Why do i die so fast?

I'm playing a Bow char, so im kinda untanky. I have about 38k effective Hitpool in pob against Guardien/Pinnacle bosses.
9k Max hit Phys
26k max hit Ele dmg
30k max hit Chaos dmg

I wanted to make a new more tankier char, so i did a COC Ice Nova Occultist.

My defense layers are:
58k Armour
86% phys reduction
88% all res
Chaos Immun
75% attack and Spell block with Aegis shield and 5800 Energy shield.

The max hits are:
13k Phys max hit
42k Max hit ele dmg
Infinity Chaos dmg

Why is the phys max hit with that much armour and block only 4k more then my bow char, which has zero armour or anything... What am i missing?

The Coc ice Nova char, still gets oneshotted by nearly everything...
Last bumped on May 15, 2024, 1:15:28 PM
Hard to say since you do not provide a PoB and your Occultist is currently unequipped
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Do you have any guard skills, vaal skills or flasks enabled? The bow character's ehp might be inflated.
Last edited by 6_din_49 on May 10, 2024, 8:40:56 AM
If you want to play a tanky character you play Necro/Champ/Jug.
None of the other ascendancies compare in terms of defensive layers.
Tala Moana, Exile.
Jpope3614 wrote:
If you want to play a tanky character you play Necro/Champ/Jug.
None of the other ascendancies compare in terms of defensive layers.

I beg to differ.. Hiero, Trickster and Chieftain are VERY strong defensively if you build them correctly, and so are Guardian and Pathfinder.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Jpope3614 wrote:
If you want to play a tanky character you play Necro/Champ/Jug.
None of the other ascendancies compare in terms of defensive layers.

I beg to differ.. Hiero, Trickster and Chieftain are VERY strong defensively if you build them correctly, and so are Guardian and Pathfinder.
It's not about ascendancy, it's about gear... Even Deadeye can be tanky if built right. Get phys to ele conversion (eg. Lightning coil), evasion, max resists, spell suppression, instant leech, add a Bloodnotch or Defiance of Destiny and you're almost immortal. But you also need damage on top of that, which gets expensive.
Last edited by 6_din_49 on May 12, 2024, 5:10:05 AM
My guess would be your getting clapped by phys dmg but really hard to say without seeing the gear on your occultist.

"My defense layers are:
58k Armour
86% phys reduction"

This is good but a long way from invincible. If you don't have any endurance charges or phys reduction/conversion on top, 58k armour and 86% estimate might drop off very quickly against some of the high level content you are doing.

POB is saying you should be more tanky, but it might not be the full story, im guessing your bow character is zooming around not actually getting hit by anything and coc ice nova you might be in melee range? Also ev/suppresion might be more consistent in some cases than block even if they are showing similar ehp calculations.

Hard to say without video or knowing items you're using, with the budget you're using you should be able to make something very tanky though, even on a chacter that is not one of the more tanky characters mentioned on this thread. Occultist has a pretty good balance of offense and defense available.

(Btw I think your bow character is using prognosis? If pob is not taking this into account and your occ doesnt have something equivalent it will be making a big difference in how the two characters feel when they get hit).
Last edited by Belegur85 on May 15, 2024, 1:24:19 PM

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