Blade vortex is BROKEN *video pve added (boss molestation)*
now imagine what it does but with level 90 + crit...

1 shot dominus with level 13 gem and other bosses.

in PVP,

1 shot skill even with level 13 gem. Added with poison and it s just impossible to deal as a 2h melee. Thing deal more damage than a cyclone and they don t even have to click one button.

There are allready level 80 toon one shotting my 9k life marauder just running to me. Even while leaping you still get hit. The AOE is enormous

I don t really understand why cyclone was nerfed if it to create a crit-spell cyclone like skill 3 time more powerful.

I would like to add that it break traps on floor and trap thrown at you lol.



Just a heads up, Vortex Blade lvl 13 Just killed dom in 2 seconds with tt 16.2k (16.2 x50 = 810k dps)

calculated 1360k per second at lvl 20

Aka approx (27.2k TT x50)

(Just tested in sarn arena, I killed a 9k ES immortal in under 1 second)

Missing 5 jewel slots, no curses, / other mechanic's.

Aim_Deep wrote:

Anyway - Here is my supernova build with just gem swaps. She never took much elemental just crit.

Only lvl 14/0 gem Vortex Blades village ruin bosses a 5L (no conc)

fast forward to like 2:45 for the bosses

hauntworld1 wrote:

Couple sights on why blade vortex is extremely powerfull, it has mid range aoe, it has duration which follows you all the time unlike firestorm where you have to constantly recast in order to follow the enemy. Up to 50 blades per second circling around you and they ALL can crit, so i can only imagine someone with 500% multiplier and very good gear that such mechanics are too powerfull. Pair that with echo and fc and it's a recipe for a broken build, to me it looks pretty similar to the Degen potential of my old rf build which was killing 10k hp under 1.5 seconds, looking at the numbers on blade vortex;

58–87 lvl 21 gem blade vortex, physical is unmitigated unlike resistances.

177–265 lvl 21 firestorm, fire damage is mitigated by resistances so the x-y on storm gem is unnacurate, i actually think it comes pretty close to blade vortex unmitigated damage numbers.

So if i compare blade vortex to firestorm, blade vortex should be doing as much damage if not lower a bit per hit but blade vortex has MUCH more active hit probabilities than firestorm has and both can crit so i can only conclude on blade vortex achieving wayyy too high damage potential. Also blade vortex moves with you, with 21/20 duration gem it lasts for a good time so you can flicker multistrike on the enemy or even follow him with whirling blades or flame dash. Firestorm does not permit me to move along with my storm and i have way less active hit chances, i need to stand still and cast stack 3-4 storms to have more than 30 hit per seconds.

On an aproximation, i think blade vortex 21 with empower and conc can certainly get around 1.5-2.5 ~ min max damage, my storm has 4.2-5.2 min max, and both crits.

So imagine 1.5 per hit up to 50 hits per second on 500% multiplier.

Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori on Dec 13, 2015, 2:25:44 PM
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Yeah, it's OP as heck.

And holy crap does it ever trigger things.

lvl 1 CWDT + lvl 8 blade vortex + power charge on crit = 3 power charges always

Then if you self cast (or cyclone/coc), you basically have unlimited life gain per second from Cybil's paw. The hit rate on even one spinning blade is nuts.

It's funny in pvp though, when a blade vortex runs into someone with a good tempest shield link (it's not pretty for the blade vortex).

Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client.
Last edited by Vhlad on Dec 12, 2015, 6:05:18 AM
It's almost as if no one tested this thing before release. Oh wait...
Jesus, is that for real??

I had no time trying out the new patch, but if what you say is true.. holy shit.

Hard to hear this, with all those GGG fanboys on the forums, who praise the Grindig Gear Gods to heaven, and that all their decisions is outstanding.

The contrast is then enormous with the "incinerate was OP, and this (huge) nerf was totally legit; stop whinig, etc.) and now such a skill.. nice.
lolozori wrote:
all is in the title.

1 shot dominus with level 13 gem and other bosses.

in PVP,

1 shot skill even with level 13 gem. Added with poison and it s just impossible to deal as a 2h melee. Thing deal more damage than a cyclone and they don t even have to click one button.

There are allready level 80 toon one shotting my 9k life marauder just running to me. Even while leaping you still get hit. The AOE is enormous

I don t really understand why cyclone was nerfed if it to create a crit-spell cyclone like skill 3 time more powerful.



Just a heads up, Vortex Blade lvl 13 Just killed dom in 2 seconds with tt 16.2k (16.2 x50 = 810k dps)

calculated 1360k per second at lvl 20

Aka approx (27.2k TT x50)

(Just tested in sarn arena, I killed a 9k ES immortal in under 1 second)

Missing 5 jewel slots, no curses, / other mechanic's.
i can agree its an op skill but i would rather not have it fixed UNTIL i have gotten to try out its current stage... and besides, i dont see how they could possible balance it out, mabye reduced the overall stat a bit or make it not increase in damage, i just cant see how this issues would be solved
I usually do not read popular posts again after i made a comment on it, unless it's one of my own. I wish to have a Black robed Grim Reaper micro set in game one day, grant my wish, GGG
Chris designed it probably.
Ceryneian wrote:
It's almost as if no one tested this thing before release. Oh wait...

^ This, this and this! ;)
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
It's an endless cycle of new OP skills that subsequently get nerfed to oblivion in a future patch when the next OP skill is introduced. Enjoy while it lasts before they cut the damage and cast speed in half.
Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead:
Yes it seemed OP to me even unsupported at low levels but was not sure(posted in gem feedback).Also because it surrounds you it acts partially as a shield,I noticed this with suicide minions where they don't stand a chance of getting you,instantly dieing to the blades.I can imagine with leach it is even more OP as far as survival goes.

I do like it as a main skill rather than a support skill but while it is OP it is hard to get to imaginitive with it knowing it will likely be nerfed.
it is always the same - each patch had something broken-as-f

and i think it is BY DESIGN. to attract people that need 'the powah' and to have a skill SO BROKEN that it can carry even the clumsiest of players

ill make my first cast on crit character this league and for sure ill abuse this spell as it is simply designed to be abused

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