[2.0] SRS Shadow 4 Auras E-R based (Atziri viable) All map mods. [ENG/POL]


Ze względu na to że moją ulubioną postacią jest Shadow i zawsze chciałem zagrać summoner-em, postanowiłem połączyć jedno z drugim i przy okazji po raz pierwszy zabić Atziri!


Atziri - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MTnZPy2DCI


- Mapa level 78 & Walka z boss-em na końcu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC_G4GYT_NE

-Atziri wykonalne
-Nieskończoność many
-56% szansy na uniknięcie ataków
-Niesamowite obrażenia
-Możliwość zrobienia każdego modu mapy
-Super działa w drużynie (2-3x vaal haste i kilka aur z generosity co powiększa ich efekt i działa tylko na sojuszników)

-Jeżeli twój styl grania jest agresywny i lubisz wbiegać pod przeciwników, prawdopodobnie szybko umrzesz
-Może być trochę trudny do wypoziomowania na początku ale w każdym razie satysfakcja później jest wielka

Spell totem arc + Elemental Equilibrium KS = daje nam więcej obrażeń
Zombies + chaos golem + spectres = tak zwane mięso armatnie co daje nam większą przeżywalność
Vaal summon skeletons = tylko używane na atziri (a dokładniej na trojkę czyli drugi pokój z boss-ami)
Vaal haste = taki dodatek można powiedzieć, zwiększa znacznie obrażenie oraz szybkość czyszczenia map

Połączenia broni
5L staff: SRS + Spell echo + Minion damage + Melee Splash + Melee Physical damage
6L staff: SRS + Spell echo + Minion damage + Melee Splash + Melee Physical damage + Culling Strike/Empower
6L Pledge: SRS + Minion damage + Melee Splash + Melee Physical damage + Culling Strike + Empower
Połączenia rękawic
2L 2L R-B / R-B = Spell totem + Arc / Blood Magic + Clarity
Boots links
5L G-B-B-B = Desecrate + Chaos golem + Vaal summon skeletons + Minion life
2L/2L R-R / G-G = Generosity + Hatred / Haste + Grace
Połączenia klaty
4L G-G-B-R = Vaal Haste + Vaal Haste + Flesh offering + Increased duration


W zasadzie celujesz w życie, Evasion-rating, manę, szybkość rzucania czarów, regeneracje many i ochronę na żywioły aby były na te 75% (Wkrótce dodam nowe ubrania ponieważ można dostać naprawdę lepsze i bardziej przydatne rzeczy, te były dobrane na szybko i aby spełniały swoje zadanie)

Oczywiście Pledge of Hands możecie zamienić na kij z 5-5 połączonymi slotami i +2 lub +2 i +1 do gemów

Ja osobiście grałem jakiś czas z tanim kijem 5L +2 i działało wszystko idealnie (kupiłem za jakieś 30 chasów) :

Normal: Zabij wszystkich [+1 skillpoint]
Cruel: Zabij wszystkich [+1 skillpoint]
Merciless: Zabij wszystkich [+1 skillpoint]


Celuj w minion damage, cast-speed, maximum mana i mana regen


-Jenda "Removes beelding on use" which is very important
-Jedna "Instant recovery"
Przydatne są także które dispel-ują zamrożenie które można zamienić za ruby flask która jest potrzebna tylko na walce z atziri


Trochę statystyk z regeneracji many, życia, many oraz szansy na uniknięcie ataków

Interesujące fakty:
-Największa mapa jaką zrobiłem solo to 79 level z modami takimi jak -less mana/life regen -phys damage reflect itd. i oczywiście bez śmierci, postaram się zrobić większe mapy jeśli kiedykolwiek jakaś mi wyleci :)
-7 zabić Atziri z rzędu bez śmierci
-Nigdy nie umarłem do bossa "Vaals" i "Trio" które znajdują się na mapie Atziri

Podziękowania dla GhazzyTV i nubletofdoom

Since I love the shadow character the most and always wanted to try summoner life I decided to mix those two and for the first time kill atziri!


Atziri - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MTnZPy2DCI


- level 78 map & boss fight at the end https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC_G4GYT_NE

-Atziri viable
-Infinity mana
-56% chance to evade
-Insane damage
-Can do all maps and mods solo!
-Great for party (2-3x vaal haste and two auras with generosity)
-Good for PvP (all except 1v1)

-If your style of playing is "yolo rush" then you will die quickly
-Can be a little hard at first to grind to level 60 so you can finally feel the power

Spell totem arc + Elemental Equilibrium KS = more damage
Zombies + chaos golem + spectres = so called meat shield which gives us more survivability
Vaal summon skeletons = only for atziri fight (trio)
Vaal haste = thats just an upgrade for better damage and faster clear speed

Weapon links
5L staff: SRS + Spell echo + Minion damage + Melee Splash + Melee Physical damage
6L staff: SRS + Spell echo + Minion damage + Melee Splash + Melee Physical damage + Culling Strike/Empower
6L Pledge: SRS + Minion damage + Melee Splash + Melee Physical damage + Culling Strike + Empower
Gloves links
2L 2L R-B / R-B = Spell totem + Arc / Blood Magic + Clarity
Boots links
5L G-B-B-B = Desecrate + Chaos golem + Vaal summon skeletons + Minion life
2L/2L R-R / G-G = Generosity + Hatred / Haste + Grace
Body Armor links
4L G-G-B-R = Vaal Haste + Vaal Haste + Flesh offering + Increased duration


So basically you aim for HP, Evasion-rating, mana, cast-speed, mana-regen and ofc resists to cap them up (soon I will update the gear since you can get a lot better stuff, these are just cheap ones to play with)

Ofc Pledge of Hands can be replaced with 5/6L staff with +2 or +2 and +1 to gems

I've been playing with cheap 5L +2 staff and it was wroking prefectly (bought it just for 30c) :

Normal: kill all [+1 skillpoint]
Cruel: kill all [+1 skillpoint]
Merciless: kill all [+1 skillpoint]


Aim for minion damage, cast-speed, maximum mana and mana regen + anything you need


-One "Removes beelding on use" which is very important
-One "Instant recovery"
You can also roll dispels frozen and such and replace it with ruby flask since its only for atziri fight


Some stats of mana regen, life, mana and chance to evade

Interesting facts:
- The highest map I did was 79 level (solo) -less mana/life regen -phys damage reflect etc. and didnt die, will also try to do higher map if I drop one :D
- 7 straight Atziri kills without dying
- Never died to vaals and Trio in atziri

Credits to GhazzyTV and nubletofdoom

Last edited by throwawaydnsnh on Aug 21, 2015, 8:48:12 AM
Out of curiosity: why did you start as shadow? If you start as scion you get 20% mana reg. and an additional passiv point.

Out of curiosity: why did you start as shadow? If you start as scion you get 20% mana reg. and an additional passiv point.

To be honest I really wanted to use shadow for this one mostly to show that this class also can be used as a summoner, Shadow for life! :D

"Since I love the shadow character the most" thats the proper answer I guess.

Hey I'm gonna try to reroll my shadow to play with ur build. Almost got everything but I got a stupid question. How do you "unlink" item ? My alpha's howl is 4 linked So I don't know how can I got 3link +1 on it.

If we can't "unlink" item a chest with 2link + 2link + 2link seems quite rare.
Last edited by DokyDok on Aug 17, 2015, 8:03:39 PM
Hey I'm gonna try to reroll my shadow to play with ur build. Almost got everything but I got a stupid question. How do you "unlink" item ? My alpha's howl is 4 linked So I don't know how can I got 3link +1 on it.

If we can't "unlink" item a chest with 2link + 2link + 2link seems quite rare.

To unlink items that are 4L etc. just use again Orb of Fusing on it. As for overall links, you can put the gems wherever you can, its all you up to you and if you dont have 2L+2L+2L chest there is always an option, for exemple you can just link zombies+minion life instead of chaos golem and vaal summon skeles and switch it only for atziri when you rlly need them skeles :D

Regards and have a nice day.

Hey I'm gonna try to reroll my shadow to play with ur build. Almost got everything but I got a stupid question. How do you "unlink" item ? My alpha's howl is 4 linked So I don't know how can I got 3link +1 on it.

If we can't "unlink" item a chest with 2link + 2link + 2link seems quite rare.

To unlink items that are 4L etc. just use again Orb of Fusing on it. As for overall links, you can put the gems wherever you can, its all you up to you and if you dont have 2L+2L+2L chest there is always an option, for exemple you can just link zombies+minion life instead of chaos golem and vaal summon skeles and switch it only for atziri when you rlly need them skeles :D

Regards and have a nice day.

I thought once you reached full link, the game will prevent you from using Fusing on it? Don't have the game to test here but I recall that, it's quite a recent patch, since some players complained that they couldn't spam click fusing on their 6S just in case they missed a 6L.

Perhaps Vorici may help, but again, no game to test here. Someone with the game now please feedback?
throwawaydnsnh wrote:
Hey I'm gonna try to reroll my shadow to play with ur build. Almost got everything but I got a stupid question. How do you "unlink" item ? My alpha's howl is 4 linked So I don't know how can I got 3link +1 on it.

If we can't "unlink" item a chest with 2link + 2link + 2link seems quite rare.

To unlink items that are 4L etc. just use again Orb of Fusing on it. As for overall links, you can put the gems wherever you can, its all you up to you and if you dont have 2L+2L+2L chest there is always an option, for exemple you can just link zombies+minion life instead of chaos golem and vaal summon skeles and switch it only for atziri when you rlly need them skeles :D

Regards and have a nice day.

I thought once you reached full link, the game will prevent you from using Fusing on it? Don't have the game to test here but I recall that, it's quite a recent patch, since some players complained that they couldn't spam click fusing on their 6S just in case they missed a 6L.

Perhaps Vorici may help, but again, no game to test here. Someone with the game now please feedback?

No idea about 6L but if you use fusing on a 4L it randomizes the link again - not gonna check if it does on my 6L :D I'm curious tho

Last edited by throwawaydnsnh on Aug 18, 2015, 4:03:54 AM
Thanks for the answer. Got a second question tho, what part of the tree should I take first ? I've only 70 points available.

Last edited by throwawaydnsnh on Aug 19, 2015, 3:23:02 AM
3.4k life is really horrible even if you have 75/75 dodge and 90% chance to evade.

If you don't agree, try level this character into the mid 90s and tell me how that goes for you.
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265

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