Low Cost Dual Totem + Self Cast SRS Shadow | Beginner friendly

Köppscheschmeißer - (Headthrower)

I know there are already some guides for characters using SRS as a main attack out there. Nevertheless let me add another one. I'm playing this Shadow (GallusFurens) quite successfully in Standard now. It's not a REALLY powerful build, I guess - or rather, not OP. Probably can't take on Atziri and I've yet to conquer higher maps.


  • quite safe - Raging Spirits zoom around blocking projectiles and approaching enemies
  • cheap - that's the whole point here; only unique I really recommend is Sidhebreath; there are probably others out there that this character would benefit from - feel free to comment.
  • medium skill requirement; while not completely "right-click-to-clear-map", this build is ideal for us older players :); enough to do, but no finger artistics required

  • vulnerable to anything that circumvents your wall of skulls and animate guardian (Undying Evangelists, Frogs (you know, Sceptre of God variety), goats to a lesser extent, etc.)
  • no over-resists from skill tree. 75 is the max.
  • cannot be played on no-regen maps due to the skulls lasting only for a few seconds

General Gameplay
Put down two totems, cast SRS yourself and get away from green stuff, interesting circular patterns on the ground and anything and anyone standing close to you unless they are a friend or your guardian. When a few corpses are available, cast Flesh Offering. If all gets to much or there is an annoying (or amusing) totem, throw a Conversion Trap or two. Rinse and repeat.

Used Skills and supports

  • SRS + Melee Splash + Increased Duration + Minion Damage
  • SRS + Spell Totem + Minion Damage + Minion Speed
  • Animate Guardian + Minion Life + Minion Damage (+ Vaal Summon Skeletons)
  • Vaal Summon Skeletons + Minion Damage + Minion Life (see above)
  • Conversion Trap
  • Desecrate
  • Wrath + Hatred + low level Clarity + Reduced Mana

If you have a 5L I recommend adding Melee Physical Damage as a support for SRS. A "more" modifier is always welcome.
Should you have a 6L available (and the right colours) you could also add Melee Damage on Full Life, since the Spirits are on full life most of the time when except when intercepting projectiles or being hit bei AoE
Increased duration is also great on Vaal Summon Skeletons.
Vulnerability is a great curse to improve your DPS. I don't like cursing manually and I don't have the sockets for a curse totem + I think two SRS totems are better than Vulnerability. Moreover, damage seems to be enough. We'll see after the 1.2 nerf. YMMV.

New Tree
I've made a preliminary tree on PoEbuilder.com. It contains all the necessary nodes but has to be fleshed out a bit regarding live and resists. I'll update it after 1.2 will have been released.
Here it is:

Levelling Köppscheschmeißer:
This build was originally planned as a CoC (I wanted to get to the 50 skulls limit and thought CoC might get me there), hence the name GallusFurens, which is Latin for Raging Rooster, because I thought Raging CoC might give some people the wrong impression. Bird reference is necessary, see sig.
However, i left this path. But it is why I chose a Shadow in the first place (and because I love playing Shadows) - you can probably transfer everything in this build to a Witch and safe some travel points.

Levels 1 to 4
Dispose of enemies in a way you feel comfortable.
Skill points: Head straight up to the witch area. This gives 10 ES for the first skill point spent and intelligence for the following three

Levels 5 to 9
Grab an SRS gem and put it into a blue socket. SRS is Fire, Spell and Minion, so if you have a +1 to Minion Skills helmet, put it there. If you haven't craft a Sceptre or Wand with +1 to Fire Skills (blue wand/ sceptre, ruby ring, orb of alteration). If you have a
, use this. It has some life, mana, faster casting and life regen for every spell cast. Since you'll cast a lot of those skulls, regen should be a nice addition. This is now our main attack. You actually don't need any other attack, but an Ice Nova is useful at times, since you can't get your minions to attack pots, crates and the like.
Skill points: Head towards Lord of the Dead

Levels 10 to 23

Grab an aura - either Hatred or Wrath. Wrath is nice for the chance to shock, hatred gives a nice boost to the skulls' damage, adding around 30% of their physical damage as cold damage. I preferred Hatred and added Wrath later. YMMV
Get an Animate Guardian - he'll be a bit fragile in the beginning with no supports, but he's really useful later on as an additional blocker, Give him Minion Life at level 12 and possibly Minion Damage at level 19.
Also get Vaal Summon Skeletons - these are your meat shield (sans meat) in boss fights and other tough situations. Their general often comes with a useful aura which is not to be sneezed at.
At level 19 you might consider adding Minion Damage or Melee Splash to your SRS (or both, if you have enough mana). While usually quality comes before quantity, this is not totally true with SRS. Many RS up means a better floating barrier that intercepts nearly all incoming projectiles.
Skill points: Head from the intelligence node above Grave Intentions to Gravepact, collecting Foresight on the way. I preferred reaching Gravepact via the minion attack and cast speed nodes, since life and life leech is irrelevant for SRS. Might make your Animate Guardian a bit tougher, though. Room for your own choices.
When you have it, head to Grave Expectations (but don't grab it, just take the minion damage node and if you like the life regeneration - makes your Guardian last longer)

Levels 24 and beyond

Get a Conversion Trap and, if you have the links and sockets, multiple trap support and, if you still have room, any other minion support or increased duration.
Get Desecrate
Also take a Flesh Offering gem.
At level 31 grab Melee Physical Damage and put it in a spare red socket somewhere to level it.
Get a Reduced Mana gem and link your aura(s) to it.
Lastly, take a Spell Totem and set it up to cast SRS
Skill points: Head towards Death Attunement, but don't grab it, only the two minion damage nodes that lead towards it.
I leave it to you, how and in which order you grab the nodes I suggested in the preliminary build posted above. I found that you don't really need dual totems very early - I got them around level 70 I think. The aura nodes, especially those, that let you run more than one, are more useful, imo.

Some playing advice

  • Your biggest enemy are monsters/ spells/ attacks that can pierce your wall of skulls. Undying Evangelists are especially deadly. So when in areas with anything that can get past the skulls, relocate often, cast SRS a few times, relocate
  • Use Conversion Trap. Many people seem not to grasp its usefulness. It's great for converting hostile totems (Allies cannot die aura, Diamond Totem aura on maps is huge fun) or magic and rare monsters (having a Storm Herald at your side is great, even though catching one is hard :D) when all seems to be a bit to much to handle. Multitrap is especially great as a support. With some skill and Conversion Mutlitrap even Merciless Metalsmith holds no terror.
  • You don't often need Desecrate. I mostly launch some skulls and once the corpses accumulate, I cast Flesh Offering - makes them skulls even quicker.
  • Use Desecrate to get a bunch of corpses before boss fights to have the skulls in overdrive from the beginning,
  • As soon as you feel you can sustain SRS with Melee Splash, do it. Try out now and then if it works. It's extremely important later on.
  • Before taking on high HP bosses, switch Increased Duration with Melee Physical Damage - in case of Brutus, Vaal Oversoul and other lone bosses, take out Melee Splash (and possibly also add Melee Damage on full Life.

Gear advice

My priorities on gear:
1. Resists (Lightning, Cold, Fire in this order - Chaos is a welcome bonus unless going for CI)
2. ES (if you plan on going CI later
3. + to (Minion) skills
4. Life (since avoiding to be hit and high ES are the primary focus, life isn't that important - especially when going CI)

My cheap gear

Things that this build could possibly benefit from

  • Alpha's Howl for auras - doesn't come really cheap, lose out on quite some ES
  • Atziri's Splendour as chest armour
  • 5 or 6L instead of 4L to add more supports
  • All gems at 20% quality
  • Infernal Mantle? I've got one, but all the nice bonuses seem to be wasted on SRS, so I keep it for a fire build
  • Shavronne's Wrappings - I heard they don't come cheap.
  • Soul Mantle - 3 totems or points saved because you can leave out Ancestral Bond. Might be worth a try.
  • Vis Mortis - Now, this sounds really nice. Reduced minion life is nearly irrelevant on Raging Spirits. Unholy Might sounds nice. Never had one, couldn't test. Might be THE chest piece for our build.
  • Rainbow Stride as boots. ES, resistances - what's not to like?
  • Voidbringer - sound nice, but 80% increased mana cost of skills might be a deal breaker
  • Lochthonial Caress - Great cast speed, rest is rather useless (for this build)
  • Asenath's Mark - if you're going to max out cast speed, this circlet might help
  • Geofri's Crest - great resistances, +1 to gem levels; might be good
  • Goldrim - if you feel low on resistances; hard to get rid of once you wear it
  • Honourhome - resists are not bad
  • Leer Cast - 15% increased damage for allies, a bit life and mana - great on an Animate Guardian if you can ensure it survives. Worn by yourself? Dunno.
  • The Vertex - chaos resist, reduced mana costs of skills in this item, +1 to gem level - great hat.
  • Matua Tupuna - great shield - you can only have a 3L but +2 to SRS and Minion Damage might be worth it
  • Prism Guardian - makes running of additional auras possible, also has resists
  • Rathpith Globe - not ideal, since spell damage doesn't count on SRS. if you have nothing better, it offers more ES than I have atm. and spell block and lightning resists - why not?
  • Safell's Frame - grants resists and + to max resists. Spell block is nice.
  • Chober Chaber - +1 to minion gems and +1 to melee gems screams for 6 linking and putting SRS; Minion Damage, Melee Splash, Melee Physical Damage and some other stuff in there.
  • Queen's Decree - not as good as Chober Chaber, only offers increased damage at the cost of no shield but the opportunity to 6L
  • Pledge of Hands - Skulls, and even more skulls with level 30 spell echo. Bit wasted on SRS, though, since the spell damage modifier is useless
  • The Searing Touch - +2 to SRS (fire skill), increased cast speed - quite nice.
  • Midnight Bargain - increased damage and movement speed for minions; 30% life reservation... dunno.

Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
Last edited by Mikrotherion on Aug 20, 2014, 3:48:58 AM
Slightly updated the skill section, squashed a typo.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
where is the tree

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