templar-witch like build frostfire dmg

Click here for the build link

short url:http://alturl.com/8ux63(if an mod thinks it's 2 long edit the post and let this:P)
This spec is made to do frost+ fire dmg whit Freezing Pulse+ Cold to Fire(sup gem red)+Fire Penetration(sup gem red)+life leech
Discipline(energy shield blue)+ Clarity(mana regen 40% reserved mana blue)+Rejuvenation Totem(life regen red)+ Vitality(regen life red) (idk about the mana if it will be ok at higher lvl so try to correct me :P u can leave the gem at lower lvl or delevel it whit scourge tradeing it at a vendor (gem+scourge=-1 lvl at gem))
NOTE:Zealot's Oath(pasive tree point)changes all life regen from life to energy shield(note the 1.0 life regen point:P)
The curse(blue gem) i use is Enfeeble(i used some points to get Hex Master(curses never expire) so i don't end up one shoted if the curse expires)
ps: u can use the cold dmg curse but it will need more dexterity:P u can put 60 from 2 points if u get them out of the build somewhere u can get the 30 nodes:P

How the actual combat works:
I pull the mobs whit Arc(lightning aoe auto target the mobs blue gem) then freeze them whit Cold Snap(usualy this one blue gem) or Ice Spear(blue gem).If they come to close i use Lightning Warp(blue gem) to teleport from them while they chase me and then freeze them again(Note Lightning Warp works faster when u use the Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline see: Flask).

Please correct me and try not to be harsh i'm new but i tried to make a nice build and share it whit u guys:P.
Ps: if my english sucks don't try point it out:P
Edit:forgot about gear:P
Gear:Just shield % intel and mana witch-like :P but
NOTE IMPORTANT :U need life regen !!!!! as much as possible:P!!!!!!!
Last edited by thecursedone on Feb 3, 2013, 6:50:20 AM

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