Why do fractured monsters not give XP/Loot/Souls?


Even a fraction of XP would be decent.

It should not be 1 step forward, 2 steps back.
Last edited by Waves_blade on Mar 31, 2014, 4:32:50 PM
The problem with fracture is if you are still building your character and have lowish damage, it makes maps a fudging chore and it's not worth the IIQ.

However, if your character has high dps enough that you 1-2 shot white mobs, then you barely feel the fractures because they just auto-die as they spawn, so it's like a free easy map mod.

I think it's a bad mod overall, probably not working as intended.

vaal DD in fracture map....i gotta do this RIGHT NOW
Fracture is a complete pain for some builds... but my cyclone duellist doesnt even notice; they fracture and just get as immediatly destroyed as the original.

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Fracture is good for some builds, like burn prolif dd and cyclone where clearing the spawned mobs wouldn't take much extra time. However, other mods like enfeeble and temp chains would be annoying for those builds, while my summoner doesn't give two shits about those mods.

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