inner force question

So the wording of inner force is consistent with additive behavior. Together these nodes count as "30% increased effect of buffs on you".

So, for instance, if I have 100% increased armour rating, 2k armour from gear, and inner force, and I drink a granite flask, I should get:

from base armour: 2,000 * (1 + 100%) = 4,000
from granite flask: 10,000 * (1 + 100% + 30%) = 23,000
total 27,000 armour.

But there are some buffs for which this "additive" behavior is ambiguous. Let me use Determination as an example. At level 17, determination grants 37% increased armour rating, additive. If I treat Inner Force as if it's additive, my new armour rating would be:

from base armour: 2,000 * (1 + 100% + 37% + 30%) = 5,340
from granite: 10,000 * (1 + 100% + 37% + 2*30%) = 29,700
total 35,040 armour, which is 30% more than example 1.

This behavior doesn't really strike a chord, I can't believe it works this way. I'd expect, instead, for determination to become a 48% additive armour bonus, rather than a 67% increased armour bonus. That would be multiplicative behavior, though, and probably too powerful with the granite flask.

If anyone knows the answer, please do tell me. Otherwise I'm almost able to test this myself.
Let a man walk alone -
Let him commit no sin.
Let him bear few wishes,
Like an elephant in the forest.
Last edited by Zakaluka on Aug 19, 2012, 3:35:34 PM
No, it affects the buff itself.
Determination with Inner Force cluster is a (37*1.3)% armor buff.

I'm not exactly sure how it works on Granite Flask, though my gut would be that it actually makes the flask give you 13k base armor for the duration (acting more like a 'more' effect). Should test that...

I had a specific question about inner force and with my search I ended up here.

How does inner fire interact with "other" increases that effect the buff?
a) Additive: base * (1+30%+"other")
b) Multiplicative: base * 1.3 * (1+"other")


I prepared the following examples, but actually the question is the same in every case. However, the granite flask/molten shell effect with determination is actually quite interesting. I'm pretty sure, inner force effects this twice.

1) For the above example with:
100% increased armor
37% determation
30% inner fire
10,000 granite flask

This is how I understand the inner force effect. Firstly, the granite buff effect is increased and secondly the determation is increased, therefore my calculation would suggest:
10,000*1.3 * (1+100%+37%*1.3) = 32,253
(the alternative would be:
10,000 * (30% + 1+100%+37%*1.3) = 27,810)

So the inner force effect is actually getting squared there for the determination effect on the granite buff.

2) Same thing, but now with Molten shell:
100% increased armor
37% determation
30% inner fire
440 Armor (Molten Shell lvl 15)

Same thing?
440*1.3 * (1+100%+37*1.3) = 1419

3) Now the question for which I actually came here:
40 avg fire damage from anger (I think at lvl 16 its something like 30-50)
100% increased fire/elem. damage
30% inner fire

Could this actually be multiplicative?
100*1.3 * (1+100%) = 260

More examples:
Phase run move speed, Blood rage attack speed, discipline ES, etc.
I've had a long enough time to test this after my original post, and I can say with some confidence that IF is multiplicative in almost every case.

Phase run becomes 36% run speed from 28%.
Granite flasks become 13k base armour, which all armour bonuses then apply to afterwards.
Determination becomes 48% from 36%.
Clarity's regen effect gets multiplied by 1.3, then by the sum of all mana regen bonuses.

Everything else should behave similarly, I believe.
Let a man walk alone -
Let him commit no sin.
Let him bear few wishes,
Like an elephant in the forest.
Thank you, that's good to know and I think it makes inner force even better.
It's also consistant with a statement I remember to have heard saying "IF changes all numerals of the buff directly" which I interpreted as a separate (multiplicative) step.
Does it affect damage auras like wrath and anger?
IGN: AlCohonez, GhengizCohen
Yes. Just like every other Aura, IF increases their effect for you.
yes wrath and anger will be affected

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