What does "Firestorm Explosion Area of Effect" mean?


Got this enchant but I can not tell if it actually does anything? Does not seem to increase my radius in PoB.


Last bumped on Nov 28, 2021, 6:36:04 AM
It improves clear by increasing area they fall over and the area of each meteor falling.

However with the aoe changes in 3.7.. or something, it is not visually noticeable.

"Increased AoE will increase both the area in which the fireballs randomly fall and also the radius of the individual fireball damage. Full spell damage is done at any point within the AoE of a fireball, however due to the fact that enemies take up an area and not simply a point, less spell damage is dealt to any given enemy as area increases. For this reason increasing the AoE of Firestorm paradoxically decreases the average damage dealt to a single target."
When a flaming bolt impact the ground it causes an explosion. The enchant increases AoE of such explosions.

The wording specifies "Explosion Area of Effect" so I don't think it affects the area of flaming bolts falling.
trixxar wrote:
It improves clear by increasing area they fall over and the area of each meteor falling.

However with the aoe changes in 3.7.. or something, it is not visually noticeable.

"Increased AoE will increase both the area in which the fireballs randomly fall and also the radius of the individual fireball damage. Full spell damage is done at any point within the AoE of a fireball, however due to the fact that enemies take up an area and not simply a point, less spell damage is dealt to any given enemy as area increases. For this reason increasing the AoE of Firestorm paradoxically decreases the average damage dealt to a single target."

I suggest using the community wiki instead. I think that one you linked is abandoned.

It still says: Please consider helping keep the wiki up to date. Check the to-do list of updates needed for version 3.14.0.
And it still shows expedition league there as the current league.

The new community one is here: https://www.poewiki.net
Last edited by kompaniet on Nov 28, 2021, 6:38:29 AM

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