Missing Watchstones

I have just retuirned to the game after a couple of years away. I have just checked my standard atlas and its blank, guessing from an update.

The watchstones are missing though. The nodes are saying that i need 4 to spaawn any missing conqeurors, but i have no watchstones.
Last bumped on Apr 5, 2021, 2:56:00 PM
Not a bug. Talk to Zana and make sure you have your remove only tabs un hidden.
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"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
Assuming that we do really talk about standard and not your ritual char, then yep no bug here but error 40. :)

So get the stones from Zana, place them in your atlas and run a LEGACY CORRUPTED T16 map and your atlas will auto complete (most of it).

This is per game design of GGG.
Last edited by HanSoloDK on Apr 5, 2021, 1:09:02 PM
Thanks, i found the watchstones on Zana, Im not up to running tier 16's yet.
Im not up to running tier 16's yet.

Run a legacy of whatever tier is comfortable and you will auto-complete everything up through one tier below that.

If you want the basic bonus, it should probably be an alched map. Not sure whether corrupting will give you any awakener bonuses on lower tier maps.

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