Please nerf Morgants, the Deafening

Seriously... I farm t14-15 maps all day and die very seldom, but this Morgrant from Acid Lake is just overtuned. Died two times in a row nearly instantly with 7.3k hp and all defensiv measures.
Last edited by Monster_T on Nov 18, 2018, 10:14:22 AM
Last bumped on Nov 18, 2018, 12:54:22 PM
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dont brake her eggs
Glowing green mouse cursor plz.
Thats difficult, because I play Cleave... I lost my leveling progression of ~4 hours. :(
you mean the chick with spectral throw?
Yeah, exactly. I red in older threats that she is way overtuned; and it seems that GGG still dont have fixed her.
I think that it's fine to have some bosses scarier than others, to have some encounters remaining "scary".

He's stronger than many other bosses because he has quite some burst, especially if you don't expect it for sure, but I don't think that it's a bad thing ( and I say that, having lost 10% xp to him at lvl 97 the other day, I had forgotten what bosses were there and thought he was just a random exile .... lulz )
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Monster_T wrote:
Yeah, exactly. I red in older threats that she is way overtuned; and it seems that GGG still dont have fixed her.

yeah, i was fool enough to go for corrupted map with two extra damage mods on my solar guards spectres necromancer, and she shredded my spectres and animate guardian and killed me.
i am not liking the idea that some random maps should have overtuned bosses, she reminds me that bonestalker boss in necropolis map with his spikes. i mean you breeze though all content and bam game kills you without any alert.
Last edited by angelobiancofaithpride on Nov 18, 2018, 12:57:58 PM

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