Damn it feels good to be a Grandmaster


I put off running Hall of Grandmasters for a long while, almost 3 full leagues. As I did pvp in D2 I was at least somewhat familiar with how different the dynamic changes.

It may have taken all 5 portals.

It may have taken me over 20 minutes.

But damn it feels good to be a grandmaster.

My meta toxic arrow was able to do most of the heavy lifting, but was stopped cold by most of the CI's. But she never went down.

My league starter lazy totems ended up saving the day, 1 death to mtx lag, and one where the ES was overwhelmed.

But I really didn't think a lazy totem build would manage to be so clutch - sometimes this game can surprise you in good ways.
Yep, totally over league play.
Last bumped on Nov 7, 2018, 6:28:05 AM
damn it feels to be a gangsta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1L8l3LrzLA
Aww I thought it was gonna be the clip with them beating up the printer/fax whatever it was.
Yep, totally over league play.
SeCKSEgai wrote:
Aww I thought it was gonna be the clip with them beating up the printer/fax whatever it was.

yaa thats the best one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9wsjroVlu8
You know, I was never a huge fan of the movie itself, but between the red stapler, an Indian man doing a windmill and destroying office equipment in the field, its still a classic for me.

It saddens me there is an entire generation completely oblivious to such a gem and instead thought eating tide pods was a good idea.
Yep, totally over league play.
Thank you -- I'd say its more like PoE's planking on the top of a Mcdonald's sign.

Yep, totally over league play.
鬼殺し wrote:
FWIW I think trying to get through the Hall of Grandmasters is the PoE version of eating Tide Pods.

Congrats. :)

And then you have people who are built like washing machines and just print chaos orbs with their Hall of Grandmasters cleaning service.
鬼殺し wrote:

lol.Ty, its the 1st time i hear about this movie
Path of 0 FPS ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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