Navali bug

Twice i tought yes divination box prophecy!
Time goes on wich in itself aint that crazy.
But even later on i discover that i no longer got the prophecy, and i am mega hyper ultra sure that ive done zero divine box between i got the mission until it was bug m-removed.
Last bumped on Oct 15, 2017, 2:49:16 PM
Are you talking about the Fortune Tellers Collection prophecy? That doesn't give you a Diviner's strongbox. It's just a regular chest that drops one or two if you're lucky divination cards. I think every time I've gotten it all I got was one or two Gambler cards. It's a crappy prophecy so if you are looking for something good out of it, you will be disappointed.
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No the one you referd to says that you will just find cards.
The one ive got twice says close to exactly " you will find a diviners strongbox" dont know what the prophecy name is, but seems to be a newer one, because i couldent find it on wiki, or maby ggg made the prophecy and decided to not add it ? In that case the prophecy still exist but does not work.
The prophecy have been auto deleted after a while both times.

if this is what you are referring to, it is not a diviners strongbox. i thought it would be too at first, but like the other poster said, it is just a chest that had 2 gambler cards in it. its a weak prophecy.

if you went throught the map without opening the chest, you lose the prophecy.
Last edited by jay221 on Oct 15, 2017, 2:50:04 PM

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