People complaining about trade have no clue how good they have it.

This thread is like an armless person getting lectured by a completely limbless person on how good they have it, and they shouldnt complain.

It is like a person living in the USA, complaining about Trump getting shut up by a guy comparing the situation there with North Korea.

It is similar to a kid coming home with a straight F, but telling his parents that its completely okay because another kid managed to score zero points.

Your only salvation is, that there have been worse threads than this on the forums, so this one passes, i guess.

No. It really doesnt. Your argument is bad, and you should feel bad for it. It is so bad that as a SSF player it made me speak up. Go sit in a corner.
Icoblablubb wrote:
comparing trading between games which are 13 years apart nice one OP... like comparing graphics from a ps1 Metal Gear Solid to ps4 one

Same thought.

Also, people should stop pretending AH ruined D3, for starter,
1) D3 is not ruined, its still healhty & could have similar, maybe even have bigger base now than PoE.

2) It was not 'ruined' by AH. AH was mainly removed because players want to gear up with loots they found, not trade.

3) D3 at launch was a much different game than today. I rage quit D3 3 months into launch, & picked up Grim Dawn & PoE, but returned (because I believe in 2nd chance) when the expansion launched, & there have been massive improvement, but many people who bad mouth D3, base their oipion on the launched game, which is more than unfair.

I am as non PC as it gets, & being a PoE forum, bias towards PoE is expected, but its kinad redicluous (IMO of course) to think D3 is a massive failure & lousy game. & IMO is a much better MP experience for one.

Why the heck would you use a 17 year old game as some sort of a benchmark? It's like saying you could not trade online before internet... it's evolution and you should never give up on trying to improve.
I remember trading in Diablo 1 and 2, and the AH in 3... and in a lot more games as well.

I haven't traded in PoE... yet, and all the threads I read make me averse to considering attempting it. I'll probably get around to it, eventually, but I'm just enjoying playing semi-SSF (box not checked, and I occasionally trade stuff with a few RL friends, but by the vast majority, it's all stuff I found myself).

It probably would not work in PoE at all, but my favorite trade systems were in Star Wars Galaxies and EverQuest II. I loved browsing people's shops/homes in SWG, and despite there being an AH in EQII, I would nearly always go to the player's home if it was open and buy directly from their stash. I loved seeing what other players did with their personal space. I'll be honest, if in PoE there were a place to browse for items that would then send me to the owner's HO to purchase it, I would be much more inclined to use that, than to try to contact another player and maybe hopefully eventually get a response that leads to a trade. I want to know up front the actual cost, not a fake cost that changes when you contact the seller. Heck, all of that information could be blown up and exaggerated since I haven't experienced it myself, only read about it on the forums, but the thought of jumping through hoops to complete a trade makes my periodic crippling introversion get all twitchy.
Last edited by Shazanti on Oct 2, 2017, 5:55:08 AM
Diablo 3 had it so much better its not even funny.
I agree. Trading is way easier now than it should be already, POE is meant to be a monster killing game with trade, not trading game with some monster killing (which you need to farm stuff to trade). What people mean when they say they want AH is to buy any rare they want with little to no effort. Instant gratification mentality is all that's wrong with online gaming today.
At some point i wonder if D3 players that joined this forum and generaly POE don't have a PTSD syndrom due to Diablo 3 AH.
Hf :)
Last edited by Heli0nix on Oct 4, 2017, 7:02:51 AM
LaiTash wrote:
I agree. Trading is way easier now than it should be already, POE is meant to be a monster killing game with trade, not trading game with some monster killing (which you need to farm stuff to trade). What people mean when they say they want AH is to buy any rare they want with little to no effort. Instant gratification mentality is all that's wrong with online gaming today.

That's exactly the point: having an AH would allow players to spend more time killing monsters, and less time playing hideout warrior. It would reduce trading to a purely auxiliary function (open the AH, find the item you want, buy it, equip it, go back to playing) instead of the current hassle of going through a long list of AFKers, price fixers, people raising their prices as soon as they smell a potential buyer etc. Unfortunately, less time wasted on non-productive activities means quicker progress and quicker achievement of endgame goals, and that is the opposite of what GGG wants. That's why we'll probably never get an AH.
Fuck master rotas. Fuck any kind of rotas, for that matter.
Last edited by DGTLDaemon on Oct 4, 2017, 7:13:03 AM
Some players view it as their birthright to be able to buy/sell what they want, when they want to, without any effort. If this is their sole reason for wanting an AH, I feel kind of sorry for them.

If they - on the other hand - can bring arguments to the table, about how an AH would make the GAME (as a whole) better and the ECONOMY better, then we can have a discussion.

And yes, I have turned to the dark side, and I'm using "AH" as a wide term about any form of trade improvements, and not necessarily a house with auctions in it.

"But I have to tab out every other second to check PoE trade, and can't play the game". Then DON'T tab out every other second, and PLAY the freakin' game. "But Phraaaaaaz, then I'm not able to play WHATEVER I want, make the game as easy as I want and progress as far as I want without grinding". Poor you.

Yours truly,

Mr. Sick of trading complaints.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Last edited by Phrazz on Oct 4, 2017, 7:25:44 AM
Phrazz wrote:
Some players view it as their birthright to be able to buy/sell what they want, when they want to, without any effort.

No. Not without any effort - without getting distracted from the core gameplay, which, as someone else mentioned above, is killing monsters. And for the record, I have absolutely nothing against playing SSF as long as drop rates are balanced around SSF. In PoE, they are not. Unlike D2 or D3, farming for specific build-enabling items is impossible in most cases, with very few exceptions. And this makes trading mandatory for most builds. You want to make players rely less on trading, and more on grinding? Then alter the drop rates, make it so that you can farm specific monsters/areas for specific drops, like it was in Diablo 2 where you could farm virtually anything yourself, even Enigma (with the possible exception of SoJ and torches, but most builds could function without them). Until then, trading will remain an integral part of PoE. And right now, it's the most unenjoyable and frustrating part of PoE - because of that goddamn "player interaction" component that GGG believes to be so important. For me, the main advantage of an AH would be depersonalization of trading and removal of the "player interaction" aspect.
Fuck master rotas. Fuck any kind of rotas, for that matter.
Last edited by DGTLDaemon on Oct 4, 2017, 7:44:58 AM

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