I would personally like to apologise to the main streamers for being a dick all these years.

So, to explain my situation, and myself, I'm the Build help thread guy, and for the past year and probably a half, around there, i've been making builds, back to back for the community, and with that, came a big ego boost, i always said to myself "I'm better then those shitty streamers"... I of course stopped saying that to myself for a while now, but i still have a bit of a burden... or, idk, dark cloud over my head (can you tell im ad-libing all of this?)

My hate for streamers comes from well, a few things, mainly this subreddit, no, not the whole subreddit, just the content, i didn't like how people looked at streamers as the main source of builds, as a way to navigate this games extensive skill tree and mechanics. It hurt because it put my threads to shame when people said "you suck, Mathil is better" or another streamer or something...
Amongst all my threads, since 2.0, i've recieved countless messages saying i should quit whilst im ahead, that i should just stop and give up... it does get nasty...

I mean, shit, Mathil, Ziggy... uhh... Zeno? idk, i honestly cannot remember all the streamers here, and i sincerely apologise for missing any names... (i didn't mention Lifting because we're friends), Those streamers probably don't know about my build help threads, so i can't blame them for the abuse i get on a nearly daily basis...

So, Streamers who stream mainly PoE, i'm sorry for putting you down, even though it barely affected your view count, your popularity, and your trust in this community, in which i clearly see is immense.
I love this community, it has cheered me up so many times, especially when i've been in hospital for days on end. Path of Exile is a game that, in the past 8k hours i've played, always made me smile, well, until last night when i sent my flame surge character to Shaper and failed miserably.

Shit, no one will probably read this, and im going on a tangent... so, once again, sorry, and i hope everyone has a great day

PS. No i am not going to stop my build help threads, in case people are going to ask, or tell me to.

^ Was a Copy pasta of my post on the subreddit just a few minutes ago, wanted to get coverage... no i am not drunk >_>
Twitch: twitch.tv/slayertip

Helping people with their builds, its somewhat a hobby, and a passion of mine, so don't be shy!

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1715639 <--- Build help forums thread thingy.
Last bumped on Aug 21, 2017, 4:31:34 PM
takes a very mature individual to apologize

I salute you sir
I dont see any any key!
Apology accepted.
Nice post, can see why it could be frustrating when you want to help people with their builds but they just want to copy something that works or your suggestions are different to the mainstream or whatever.

Have a great day, too ^_^
ur a good egg slayer I wouldnt sweat it mate, they get a lot worse grief from people who are far more horrible, bad hearted folk than yourself.
What a post and wonderful gesture of courage and honesty. Much respect to you, bud.
I can totally get behind the reason you've been feeling this way though. I doubt anyone would hold it against you that you lashed out every once and a while. Couldn't have been easy for you, but nothing worth doing ever is, is it?

Hope the hospital visit wasn't anything serious or life-threatening. Tala Kura, exile.
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.

'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.

i am not aware of any Subreddit Stuff, but you showed real Backbones.


If you need to make POE builds to get an ego boost, you're doing it wrong mate.

This is just a game. The streamers you listed don't even come to the forums outside of reading patch notes and maybe creating random build threads.

This game is not hard when it comes to builds and tree design. It just takes experience. It's cool that you are taking the time to teach new players how to do this, but don't expect to be labeled as the "Build guy" or "The best build maker"...because frankly it doesn't take a genius to figure out how to make a Sunder skill tree for example.

Like I said... not hating at all because I think it is super nice of you to help people. I would say just don't do it with expectation of praise.

Go the Neversink route. That guy has like 90% of new players using his filters and he's a super humble dude.
Streamers be like
Second-class poe gamer
Last edited by pr13st on Aug 21, 2017, 11:18:53 AM

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