Jewel to Negate all Conversion

How cool would it be to have a Jewel (limited to 1) that simply says "Negates all "conversion" effects"

(pure physical Frost Blades / Lightning strike / Lightning arrow)

Added % as xxx would still work bust not the conversion part.
Last edited by Vepar90 on Jul 18, 2017, 12:49:49 AM
Last bumped on Jul 20, 2017, 1:45:33 AM
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GGG hates conversion items , they nerf like everything inc call of the brotherhood.But since DoT reworked i think they can add on future , since double dipping history no need to fear those things i hope.
no longer playing
Vepar90 wrote:
Added % as xxx would still work bust not the conversion part.
But "added as" is also a conversion.
GGG doesn't 'hate' conversion, they just dont like the idea of trivializing shit by using conversion items. and theyre correct imo, at least in the state of the game as is.

cold to fire is one of the most brainless conversion that existed in poe. yes, it stems from the fact that fire as element is superior to cold in terms of dealing damage with ignites and double dipping, but nonetheless it was too easy to do such conversion with no investment, and hence no reason not to
There's a potential legitimate reason for something like this... Namely, pure physical builds have a RATHER finite list of skills to work with, especially given how a LOT of newer attack skills tend to involve damage conversion, such as frost blades, blast rain, etc.

Though, it does pose some issues further:

  • Applying to spells might cause for some balance issues; in 3.0, Glacial Cascade deals full physical damage, just with a 50% physical-to-cold conversion.
  • Some skills, like Wild strike, are so tied to their damage type it wouldn't make sense to let it work with them.
  • Starforge is partly balanced around knowing the limited number of skills it can work with: Cyclone, Double Strike, Flicker Strike, Frenzy, Lacerate, Puncture, Spectral Throw, Ancestral Warchief, Cleave, Dominating Blow, Heavy Strike, Leap Slam, Sweep, and Vigilant strike, of which only maybe 3 (AW, Cyclone, Lacerate) are actually viable main attacks.

Vepar90 wrote:
Added % as xxx would still work bust not the conversion part.

As noted, the "% of physical damage added as ____" is handled as part of the damage conversion process.

And depending on how you mean it, it either would be pointless, or abusable as hell:

  • If you mean "Add that element anyway," it'd negate the point, of working with stuff like Starforge and the upcoming Brutality gem; they'd negate that damage anyhow. (as both specify "deal no elemental damage")
  • If you want it to be treated as "% of physical damage added as physical damage," congrats, it's another broken-as-shit "more" gem, that's at the root of the power creep problem.
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
Thought this said "all conversation" and got excited.

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