Izaro issue

Having spoken to friends, none of them seem to have this problem, and I was hoping that it would disappear...but it hasn't. So, before I convince myself I have gone mad, is anyone else hearing Izaro OUTside of the labyrinth. Every group of mobs I kill, he comments, if I'm in my hideout, he says stuff like "let's kill" and "I'm thirsty"....quite honestly it's spoiling the game for me.

It started after completing Merciless Labyrinth twice within the same half hour.

Is there any way, or any setting that will stop this?
Last bumped on May 28, 2017, 12:28:14 PM
Sounds like you're using Jack the Axe. It talks quite a bit.
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
Aaaargh is that it? OK....got to get a new axe, it's driving me crazy, thanks for being so quick to reply :)
I didnt know that any weapon in the game talked to you that is awesome
SimianJyhad wrote:
I didnt know that any weapon in the game talked to you that is awesome

The Goddess Unleashed does as well. She has much better dialog to top it off. :)
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
Any dialogue has got to be better than Jack....it's AWFUL. "die, die, die", "yes, yes ..more" (which is a bit worrying :p ) - most annoying.
it's jack the axe haha, did a gladiator bleed explosion before, use that as temp weapon, was also spooked.

Try terrace map, that dialogue is funny.
played the whole last league with a jack the axe...i thought that talking voice was a league specific gimmick, haha
Thanks for the funny thread, laughed hard.
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