remember that one time with mtx when ...

you couldn't reclaim it because the tabs were all fucked up with 1x1s that you had to play tetris mtx style shuffling various suits of armor just to realign a tab so you could eventually reclaim your original gloves and move onto the rest of your effects?

pretty cool huh

† You were a good man in a bad situation, Fairgraves. †
See what I am currently after here: 1767138
Thanks Chris! 2797098
Last bumped on Mar 20, 2017, 11:56:23 AM
good old times when you wanted to remove your weapon mtx but couldn't because
- the current mtx tab was full,
- you hastily look for one that has space in it to reclaim the mtx,
- find one

and it places the mtx in a random tab of your 15+ pages.


+1 if you didn't remember the precise name of the effect, just how it looked like.

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