Upcoming Skill Reset, What Should I Do?

Hello, long time player but only recently started playing the game a lot since it got released on Steam years ago. I tend to play so infrequently that whenever I would login from time to time my character would be destroyed from resets. This is the first time that I have been playing the game while a skill reset occurred so I would like to prepare for it. I have a handful of important characters that I don't want to lose their setups on. How can I save a backup of their passive trees? If I simply bookmark their profiles passive skill build on the POE site will it still work after the patch? I kind of doubt it, but maybe?
$bestGameEver = new Game(POA);
$everyThingElse = new Array( D2, D3, TL2, DS3, GD, TQ );

for($time=0; $time<infinity+1, $time++){

Last bumped on Feb 25, 2017, 12:16:42 PM
The easiest way is to download offline PoEskilltree planner, enter your characters in it, archive that version of the app and never update it. I've got trees saved that way back to 1.0.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.


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