New stash tabs Quality of Life

So whenever finishing a map, I usually go to my inventory and sort the loot. Which often includes a divination card, currency, and essences since last league. Now if you have a tab for each of these, that is a lot of clicking around to organize after each map.
I recently suggested divination card tabs as a book that would go into the currency tab. But since they didn't go that route (should've posted it on reddit :P). This could be a nice alternative. . .

When on the currency tab, ctr+click automatically places divination and essence in their appropriate tab. When in any other tab, everything places normally.

Would be a nice feature opposed to the player solutions of a 'chuck' tab. I already do that for any armors, etc.
A kid with a magnifying glass. . . looming down on the anthill. Eventually one is going to get you.
Last bumped on Dec 7, 2016, 8:54:57 PM
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I have my first tab as the quad one and id like to Ctrl+Click all without the need to switch to any other one.

They could add a toggleable option next to make public one for each tab with:

[] Autosort Currency/Essences/Div Cards to this tab when CTRL+Click

Please this would be the best QoL posible in stash tabs regards.

Also, off topic, can we please have an UI option for have Red borders on the screen when we have corrupting blood? with all the new breach shit going on you cant see it by looking at your character until its max charged most of the time.
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