Is GGG embarassed that trade is done by a 3rd party

They have to be embarrassed. I mean the core part of their game is handled by someone not even on their payroll LMAO. How sad
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GGG's design philosophy in three words:
Quantity over Quality.
Last bumped on Dec 9, 2016, 3:00:39 AM
Why should they? It saves them money.
Short answer: No.

Long answer: Noooooooo.
I don't know of any business that is embarrassed when they get work done for them for free.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls

laycast wrote:
They have to be embarrassed. I mean the core part of their game is handled by someone not even on their payroll LMAO. How sad

Would you be embarrassed if a game you created in your basement was so popular and loved by fans that many of them create websites and tools devoted to your game?

If anything they should be embarrassed that their game attracts the dregs of the internet but I think that happens to every decent video game.
I think one thing people seem to forget or don't realise is this initially started off as GGG giving power to the player.It's like saying these companies who sell 'build yourself robots' are too lazy to build it themselves.It just so happened one person ended up monopolising the feature to set up your own web trading site but the power is there for everyone.I imagine only a small portion of people make their own loot filters while most will just use what already out there.

Also they do have a trade system in place despite people saying they don't just because it is very basic does not mean it doesn't exist but it's the same as what D2 had.I use to trade fine in D2 and actually enjoyed the bid wars in the forums(unofficial).People have just got use to faster trade systems in 'true' MMOs.
Last edited by Kavlor on Dec 7, 2016, 12:34:26 PM
You do realize that trading isn't "a core aspect of their game". You can play fine without trading.
Didn't the developers themselves say that the game revolves around trading and they like it this way?
Johny_Snow wrote:
Didn't the developers themselves say that the game revolves around trading and they like it this way?

Other things as well,trading isn't the central feature.
Was Blizzard embarrassed that D2's trading was done the way it was?

I think GGG actually LIKES that the economy is player "run and regulated" and that the community develops tools to use. That's a very old school way of doing things, and well... PoE is in many ways a love letter to older games.

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