Best map for rampage?

I need to get a 1,000 kill streak in a rampage map to complete another challenge and I haven't been able to build up more than 350~ kills without losing the counter. I've tried many open maps like arid lake, desert, arcade. Arid lake seems like it would be decent because it is wide open without terrain to slow me down much but I don't seem to kill fast enough.

It has me thinking that maybe a wide open map is not the best and maybe I should focus on a straight through type map like gorge or plateau. Which will lead me to a problem of not being able to kill fast enough to keep the counter going.

Should I just pay someone to run the map for me? Can you offer tips on my gear and build/skills and gems to increase my kill speed? I'd prefer to complete the challenge myself but my desire for getting the monkey is leading me to seek help from the community.

Maps I have in mind are these..


Passive tree:

Jewels: 8% damage, 16% physical damage, 10% fire and lightning resist
5% cast speed, 11% crit multiplier, 10% all elemental resists
15% spell damage, 16 dexterity, 5% attack speed, 10 strength and dexterity

Any helpful tips or advice would be much appreciated.
Sound the dread alarm, through the primal body! Sound the reveille, to be or not to be. Rise! Stay the grand finale! Stay the reading of our swan song and epilogue. One drive to stay alive! Elementary, muster every fiber. Mobilize! Stay alive!
Last bumped on Aug 23, 2016, 5:22:35 PM
I just got the 1000 kill streak last night on Plateau. Gorge works too, but you need to reroll the maps looking for "Area is inhabited by sea witches and their spawns". The maps have about 700-800 mobs normally, but will have 1400+ mobs with that mod.

I also recommend making the maps magic instead of rare so mobs are easier to kill (you don't care about drops, just kill streak).

You don't need to kill that fast to keep the streak going, just consistent. You need a kill every few seconds to keep the streak going. A huge help for this is movement speed potions rolled with extra movement speed. Bring two of these with you for transitioning between packs. I see you have one, but I would recommend making another one for the challenge.
I did it by rolling a sea witches tropical island. The transition between the two halves of the island van be a little risky though.
I did it a week or so ago on a plateau map with "inhabited by sea witches" and 1 pack size mod. With RF totems, a build you would not even remotely expect to be good at this type of challenge solo. But by the time I had finished the rampage challenge, I was only 2/3 of the way through the map. So I kept going on the belief that I could finish the whole map like this for fun, and I did (an estimated rampage chain of 1500 monsters--it doesn't give you a number above 1000).

Attempting it without sea witches is very risky--unless you have one of those ultra-aoe-full-zone clear skills, any stragglers (who you do not want to go back to finish off until after you're completely done) have a high chance of impacting your ability to get to 1000. Even if you roll 50% packsize (which is very hard to roll) you will probably only have 1100-1200 monsters in the map. Having 100 stragglers with most builds is actually not that surprising. But with sea witches, the map will abound with targets.
Ok I'll try getting another plateau map and rolling it for sea witches and give it another go. Thanks for the tip.
Sound the dread alarm, through the primal body! Sound the reveille, to be or not to be. Rise! Stay the grand finale! Stay the reading of our swan song and epilogue. One drive to stay alive! Elementary, muster every fiber. Mobilize! Stay alive!
Just remember to never turn around. Forward is always correct, and quicksilvers are always correct (you should have a quicksilver up 100% of the time, even on top of the rampage move speed bonus; it's easy to maintain when you're constantly killing sea witch spawn). If at any point you think it's optimal to turn around to go back for a straggler or even a pack of stragglers (because you're worried the next pack ahead is too far away), just remember that the same next pack will be even *farther* away after you've turned around.
Last edited by codetaku on Jun 17, 2016, 1:45:49 PM
Thank you guys very much for the sea witch tip. I thought about a low level map that has a nice smooth layout and is kind of large and settled on a Mountain Ledge map. Got it the first try and well before I completed the whole map.
Sound the dread alarm, through the primal body! Sound the reveille, to be or not to be. Rise! Stay the grand finale! Stay the reading of our swan song and epilogue. One drive to stay alive! Elementary, muster every fiber. Mobilize! Stay alive!
I found that underground lake or reef work surprisingly well. I got to 700 on a blue reef map and only failed because I wanted to kill the boss --'
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
Coward's Trial...
You can also buy gloves which grant rampage and farm dried lake. It doesn't always have 1k+ mobs but maybe every 10 or so
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