XP exploiter?

Since everyone likes to call people stupid in this thread for whatever reason:

Qarl wrote:

This is a situation that should not occur again.

During the server instability, Etup had a that dropped him from the HC ladder, but then rolled back during a crash.

We did not reverse the results of rollbacks (this mostly resulted against in situations not in the players favour).

When Etup had a properly recorded/legitimate death on Hardcore, he was correctly put onto the Default ladder.

We realise these situations were confusing, but should no longer occur.
IE a rollback weather it is in favor of the player or against will not be remedied. If you lost something, tough titties, if you gained something be happy.

And there is no xp exploit, just a guy who is nerd raging that someone got far better map drops than he did thanks to a high level map with lots of loot in it.

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