Guns... My opinion what's yours?

In Halifax, all the little gangsters have them; I believe, per Capita, I live in one of the smallest provinces/cities in Canada and we have the most shootings so I want nothing to do with them but also, i do not follow a bad crowd so the likelihood i'll actually need one of these stupid things anyway, is very unlikely. Basically, there are many things you have to do to get a gun legally BUT people are crafty and find them anyway. Stay out of the bad areas and you stay safe. Held a gun once though; was kinda empowering knowing I had a ton of power in my hand- on the other hand, incredibly frightening.
POE is life. POE is ♥.
Last edited by KonaLuvsPOE on Jun 13, 2016, 2:12:46 PM
Entropic_Fire wrote:

I think America has an intolerance problem that no amount of gun control can fix. Hateful people will find the means to kill people regardless,

People are not born intolerant and hatefilled. It is learned through mimicry and association from their environment. To a large extent, hate is a product of our mass media. We are constantly bombarded with conflict; the hero (whom the story revolves around) dominates the villain (whom is always morally wrong). This meme/theme is repeated over and over. It is driven deep into our psyche that we are the hero, and any opposition is automatically the villain whom we should utterly defeat. No de-escalation, no rational thought and debate, just pure unadulterated domination.

In the realm of 'news', noam chomsky explains the propaganda far better than i ever could.

Entropic_Fire wrote:

and I have no idea how to make people less hateful.

Programming is easier than deprogramming. In deprogramming, instinct mounts a defense to justify what you already believe. Mind altering drugs can help the deprogramming process, interesting that such drugs have been villainized and banned by the establishment, eh? In programming, there is no resistance unless you are consciously aware of it.

For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
The issue of gun control is probably quite complex, but I do believe that the US should at least have a permit system in order to avoid having psychos running around with heavy weaponry, and of course have people be at least partially responsible for whatever happens with their weapons, in order to avoid the issue of people getting access to firearms from someone else. And yes, this does also mean that you have to be careful that your weapons don't get stolen.
i dont think guns should be banned because if they are then we would have a less diverse metagame and nobody wants combat to stagnate around throwing rocks at each other again would we that was probably one of the worst patches of this game,
To be honest, I personally think that the cuurent laws concerning weapons in the US (or rather the lack of them) is complete and utter bulls***. As far as I know, in no other country is it easier to get weapons. It should not be that way.
I'm from germany and while the gun laws we have are pretty strict, they work. In my opinion, nobody should be allowed to possess or carry a gun, unless they have a justified need for it AND the proper education to handle guns in a responsible way.
But well, this is the internet, so my opinion doesn't really matter anyways.

PS: Who the hell thought that allowing EVERYONE to carry around a weapon at any time was a good idea? It most certainly is NOT.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
I don't own a gun and never have. I shot a rifle once many years ago.

I am 100% pro-gun, 2nd amendment-loving American though.

Banning guns is silly. Criminals don't follow bans. Only law-abiding people do.

I live in an area where many people lawfully own guns. All the gun owners I know attended some sort of firearms training. I feel extremely safe here.

I believe every household should, at a minimum, have a shotgun, pistol and taser for self defense.
I can't afford any of these at the moment. I'll do firearms training first. Buying ammo is another expense I can't afford also.

One thing I learned too...In most cases, unless the police are targeting a criminal, they show up after the crime has been committed.

Defend yourself and be safe!

I want cut scenes damnit.

How can you not like steak?
Living in fear has an enormous impact on the psyche. And it is bad.

Carrying a gun and knowing you could kill anyone in the room in under a second destroys fear of physical domination. And it is good.

Just the possibility that anyone in your vicinity is carrying a concealed lethal weapon injects a tangible amount of civility into the room. It's unlikely you will intentionally belittle and be a major prick to someone whom is armed.

There is something to be said for the potential application of force to halt aggression and domination. And a gun is a fine tool for the job.

Im of the opinion that if everyone was armed, society would have a lot fewer assholes. On a higher level, there is a value of human life. And for a peaceful society, perhaps a few lives are the price that must be paid. Even if we had virtual physical invulnerability / immortality and the whole issue of guns was moot, i dread being powerless to stop an asshole from insulting me without provocation until the end of time. Physical well being is only one level of reality, although being generally the most important level... other levels can overrule it.

For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
SkyCore wrote:
Im of the opinion that if everyone was armed, society would have a lot fewer assholes.

If we assume assholes would just kill each other off, then yes.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

SkyCore wrote:
Im of the opinion that if everyone was armed, society would have a lot fewer assholes.

"Hello? SkyCore? Yes, this is every inner city in America calling..."
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INB4 People start killing people with Airsoft Guns.
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