Procurement Fatcs ??

Hi guys , I have a question . I am using Procurement long time , normally my items were online on poe trade in 2-5 hours . From the moment ggg made possibile to trade with premium stash tab ( its instantly on poe trade ) I have a feeling Poe forum shops work much worse.

I have posted some items yesterday , over 12 hours ago and still i cant see them on poe trade .

Question : How long I have to wait , anybody knows ?
Last bumped on May 29, 2016, 1:40:58 PM
Here's your shop thread that you didn't link:

Here's a filter for your shop thread:

You have to bump the thread so the indexer can see your changes. There's currently 667 pages of shop threads to index in Perandus Standard, the indexer may not go through them all.

Use the built in bump functions when you update the shop.
Thanks man but there is one BIG BUT . I can not find my item searching online offers , its in offline offers and i am all the time online . As we all know most people search only for online offers .....
Be on the ladder. Or make yourself online:
R U FUCKING JOKING ????? TO GO ONLINE I NEED TO SEND MESSAGES DOWNLOAD PROGRAM AND RUN IT ? ITs outrageous!!!!! GGG Fucked the game up its total PAY TO WIN !!!!!!!!!
Play more then. You will always be shown online if you're on any of the ladders.
I think procurement is currently bugged and its show-online function doesnt work.
Tejlonpl wrote:
R U FUCKING JOKING ????? TO GO ONLINE I NEED TO SEND MESSAGES DOWNLOAD PROGRAM AND RUN IT ? ITs outrageous!!!!! GGG Fucked the game up its total PAY TO WIN !!!!!!!!!
You enter your online url into Procurement and it sets you online I think. I don't think you need to download another program. Haven't used Procurement in a while but that's how it used to work. Acquisition ties in better to since it's made by the same people. Acquisition tells when you change something, so no need to bump your shop thread with it.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class
Uh... why not just use public stash tabs instead of procurement? Public stash tabs were like the biggest trading qol improvement... ever

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