Opinions on real-money auction house?

The idea that someone can simply spend money to buy "power" its completely against every part of gaming I've grown up with for the past 25 years.
szesan wrote:
I think rape should be legalized, people do it anyways so why dont make it legal and it could happen in a controlled way.

We already have this. It's called "consensual sex" and it works really well.
Dreggon wrote:
Synchrotron wrote:
Pay to win has no place in serious RPG games


Ok, but now compare the amount of people current buying in d2jsp with the amount of people that will buy in D3 now that it has official support from Blizzard.

What really killed D2's economy was the dupes not the item buyers. I doubt there was an expressive amount of players expending $100+ on items in D3.
Hi all in my opinion real money items are only going to cause problems in the long run, all its going to do is bring gang style "Children farming sweat shops" into their own, i can see authorities coming down really hard on the gaming indusrty to put some sort of stop on it, yes people are going to buy this stuff but why on earth make it easy for them and harder for kids who get bullied and beaten into farming them in the first place.
Fuck RMAH. It's the main reason I'm not even considering trying D3.
Last edited by SavageMinnow on Jan 16, 2012, 11:23:43 AM
I saw this business model coming a long time ago, so my only opinion is that it didn't come fast enough.
Synchrotron wrote:
What really killed D2's economy was the dupes not the item buyers. I doubt there was an expressive amount of players expending $100+ on items in D3.

its an endless circulation, based on the fact that duping was/is possible - if there were no 'market' for the items? who would dupe, or even farm, if noone pays for it?

so in my opinion, the main 'problem' are the gamers who think to "need" all the best items without investing own effort on it (time/skill for playing...)
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: www.exiled.eu & ts.exiled.eu
szesan wrote:
I think rape should be legalized, people do it anyways so why dont make it legal and it could happen in a controlled way.

It's like raising children. We don't want GGG to be the "enabler"
Drb00 wrote:
The idea that someone can simply spend money to buy "power" its completely against every part of gaming I've grown up with for the past 25 years.

And yet it happens anyway, and happens in vast numbers. Im not pro RMAH cause Ive never felt the need to spend money for something I can get for free. But for those that want that, why not? Its not impacting my fun with the game if some sad person wants to waste their hard earned cash on virtual pixels.
szesan wrote:
I think rape should be legalized, people do it anyways so why dont make it legal and it could happen in a controlled way.

This guy gets it.

You don't make a game better by shitting all over it because some people are going to shit all over it.

RMAH or any kind of pay to win RMT shit is a cancer in online gaming. games that implement pay to win systems
are all, without exception, garbage. There has never been a good game that has official pay to win cash shop shit in it.

Diablo 3 looks like a world of warcraft. it is a dumbed down piece of shit. none of the developers that made d1/2 great games worked on it at all. It will have a pay to win system from day 1. it has 'hardcore' (?) servers that do not use the RMAH so thats where the 3rd party sites will still make money anyway.

D3 will still make plenty of money. Because there's plenty
of children and manchild idiots that will pay for it. Just like the people playing wow, handing over $15 per month to play what i consider to be the worst MMO ever made.

It's the worst MMO ever made because it set a standard, that since then all the other money hungry companies have tried to replicate it, stifling innovation and racing to the bottom. The money hungry people at SOE got dollar signs in their eyes when they saw the profits from wow and then destroyed SWG (the best mmo ever made until the CU (RIP)). SWG was doing fine making a profit and it was a great game. But greed spawned forth from the cancerous bowels of WoW destroyed it.

What has this got to do with RMT/RMAH ? it's a new and worse cancer. It's the final nail in D3's coffin.
D3 has no chance whatsoever in being a good game but it will make a lot of money. Just like justin bieber, terrible, terrible shit , but a made a lot of greedy shifty cunts a lot of money. just like Jack and jill , one of the worst movies ever made, but morons made it profitable. Just like all those TV talent shows/reality shows that are , without exception shit for idiots, they made a lot of money.

And you know what, there's nothing I can do to stop this.
This is why i am glad for my mortality. I welcome death, i would not want to live in forever in a world where this is the norm.

This is the world we live in , music, movies , TV and videogames are built from a profitability perspective instead of a quality perspective.

I believe that this is unethical and and has a massive negative effect on the human race.

I do not understand why anyone would want this, it is simply ruining gaming.
[Removed by Support] - don't mention the chinese ownership of this game!

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