Need your help on Sum templar/dual totem

I would like to have your opinions guys on a build.

Was looking for a summoner build and checked many. I then saw a build a guy (can't remember his name) was using. It used dual totems with arc. I want to try it out.

Skill Tree

With a couple points left to spend on life, resist all or chaos resist if needed later on.

How I'd play is having 2-3 auras, spam my shitz + the totems and run around in circle while they kill everything.

Basically what I want to know is :

1. Does it worth it to get the lighting nodes, especially the one near witch area.

2. For that kind of character, what weapon is designed ? I took for granted it is a wand+Shield but I may be wrong.

3. As you can see, I used many points to get that minion life node near witch area, again does it worth it ?

So I would want your input guys, the upgrades I could get on my build and what you would do. I do not claim to be a good skill tree builder, just messing around.

Thanks for reading ;)
Last edited by Zonkerz on Feb 18, 2013, 7:40:27 AM

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