Zika Virus Truth or Fiction?

I can't imagine someone who wants to secretly conduct biological warfare would decide to give two TED talks on the subject. Conspiracy theories of that scale are impossible enough to maintain without also giving out free hints for anyone willing to connect the dots.

There was actually a recent study on the viability of grand conspiracies which suggests they become impossible to maintain over surprisingly short amounts of time.
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bwam wrote:
Dan_GGG wrote:
There was actually a recent study on the viability of grand conspiracies which suggests they become impossible to maintain over surprisingly short amounts of time.

Conspiracies aren't necessary; so long as a plot doesn't involve fratricide, the public is so numb and willing to be convinced of anything that the worst atrocities can be committed in clear sight, so long as the proper veneer accompanies it.

I dunno, people still seem to get pretty mad at atrocities.

By the way I should qualify the study I linked by saying it's more of an interesting thought experiment than scientific proof conspiracies can't happen. I noticed some holes since originally reading it, such as that it doesn't use data from unexposed conspiracy theories. So even though it raises some interesting points for consideration, that methodology isn't going to give any kind of meaningful results.
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