Good Duo Combo with 2x Shockwave Totem Witch?

Friend and I are returning to the game after not playing for the better part of the past year.

He has decided on playing a 2x Shockwave Totem Witch in the upcoming Talisman HC league.

I see lots of solo play guides, but any tips on a good build that accents a 2x Shockwave Totem Build?

IGN: RFIncBlood_1
Shockwave totem builds do most things well (good damage, good AoE and good surviability).

If I party with a SWT guy I would prefer to use a build that either uses Hatred (so that my partner doesnt have to use it) or that benefits a lot from having someone with hatred. So a build that uses autoattacks or EK is preferred.

Then I guess that a problem for SWT guys is that Armored monters are a pain (as most of its damage is physical). If you can play an elemental based build then you are covering that weakness.

Finally you may want to ask your friend what kind of build he wants to play. If he going crit? Then he will preffer a tanky partner (maybe also someone that can cast Assasin's mark). If he going mana based, EB or hybrid? Then you can use discipline and help him with his ES pool.

If I wanted to be simple I would just go for a typical cyclone build. Most SWT will apreciate someone that gets inmediatly into the fight while they place the totems.
I'd recommend pairing a SWT user with something ranged, as knockback can be annoying for a melee. So, either EK or a bow user.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.


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