Elemental vs. Physdam on Bows

Hey Guys, I collected alotta Bows. so I want do have a bow build. I have some bows who have alotta eledam, others with alotta physdam. For which of them should I go?
Next question: How much DPS is good on a bow? I have a mouseovertool which displays DPS, one number is supposed to be the "Q20 DPS" - what is Q20 DPS?
I have an Infractembow, which always pierces. It does 145 DPS. I have another bow doing 300 dps. Does always pierce make up for 155 dps less?
It depends on what kind of damaghe you are aiming, a phys build is easier to work with because you won't have to hunt for %WED on every piece of gear to optimize it but elemental build can be funnier as it applies status aliments on your ennemies.

You have also to take in consideration if you want to go crit or not, the attack speed of the bow etc...

As for infractem no the always pierce does not double the DPS but it is a nice feature, thus said there are far better bows than infractem to choose from IMHO.
Last edited by Lordofthedreadz on Oct 10, 2015, 8:42:13 PM

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