Stash after league merge

I donate everything I get in leagues to guildies or random people I like. And I still get dizzy looking at all the tabs full of stuff that are remove only

Simple fix, don't be lazy.

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Wellp... since I won't be home much this month I'm sitting out the 1m league, and that being the case I figured I'd try to make std as painless as possible to play for when I am around.

After several painstaking hours this morning, I got my stash to a tolerable level of only 3.5 full scrolls instead of 6:


Every map I had was vendored up to T8 or higher. And now I have 2 tabs packed completely with T8s (75s), a packed tab of T9s, a packed tab of T10s, a nearly packed tab of T11s, and a healthy supply of 12+s.

Those shop tabs though.... *shudder*. I have no intention of setting up a standard shop so no clue what to do with that mess.
IGN: Smegmazoid
Long live the new Flesh
The complete mess of remove-only tabs that clutter my perm league stashes are the main reason I never play them.

Wish there was some kind of purge feature were you can just mark tabs to have all their items deleted.
Spent about an hour when Warbands rolled over and got everything well organized with spaces in between for the next time I need to organize.

I don't even really play in Standard, but if I ever choose to I'm way too OCD to allow my stash to look like that.
Every Saturday = National Booze n Poe Day
It took me 6 hours to organize my stash after the end of the last league! Please add a destroy tab option!!!

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