Map Tiers??


Are the Maps in some form of Tiering.

Atm I am easily able to run 68-71 and am slowly building a pool of 72+ maps so would just like an idea of when the Mob DPS and environmental aspects start to ramp up.

The monster levels themselves scale their damage and life the same way they would in the main game. But more importantly, the available affixes on maps become harder starting at level 74, then again at 79+.
IGN: Smegmazoid
Long live the new Flesh
In addition to the tiers mentioned above, also pay attention to boss difficulty.

For 74 maps stay away from the Labyrinth boss until you're stronger unless you're experienced with fighting him and you have a corpse explode mechanic on your character or you're very careful with a single target ability.

Torture Chamber and Jungle Valley bosses are also both fairly difficult unless you're prepared. Torture Chamber you can beat once you learn the mechanics, but Jungle Valley requires a ton of AOE, decent chaos resistance, and decent leech or flask mechanics.

Other than that, Mine and Waste Pools boss are fairly easy and you should feel great about running those maps. A lot of 75 maps are actually easier than Labyrinth, Torture Chamber, and Jungle Valley because of the bosses alone so don't feel bad about leaving those for later before moving up to the next level.

Every Saturday = National Booze n Poe Day
Honestly since you will need to run an immeasurably large amount of these maps and map building is in general very slow, you will not need anyone else to tell you what to do - just notice for yourself the gradual increase in damage and hp.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Thanks for the input, much appreciated.


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