Item disappeared on crash

Hi ive got a problem here. I went afk for an hour, so i gave a 5linked vis mortis that i was selling on to guild stash and set a DND message so my friend can sell it if someone whispers me. So i came back, took it out of the guild stash and DCed the very second that the item was on my cursor. I log back in and its gone. Its not in the guild stash, its not in my inventory or stash, my friend doesnt have it (hes the only other one in the guild). I then realized it got deleted when i dced. Damn... Can a dev help me please? 3exalts is big money to me and i dont want to see it gone like this. Help much appreciated.

Edit: i tried with 1x wisdom scroll, taking it out of stash and logging out and it stayed on my cursor still... But that is not what happened with the 5l item, it just disappeared.

If a dev wants to investigate this, it is the 5linked item that is still shown in my shop thread id: 1329324
Last edited by dusty071 on Aug 3, 2015, 9:16:09 AM
You were the victim of a disconnection rollback.

I'm sorry for your loss
They wont give any items for any reason. You can understand why, people would be saying all kinds of things to get items all day long. I'm sorry for your loss, I just had 2 clear mind jewels disappear in the same fashion as you apparently even though I bought 1 on and found the other at separate times, both are gone.
Today happened something similiar to me was in docks farming had inventory full, open portal and cant get out, few seconds later disconect, i relog and all the items gone.

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