Firestorm is pretty neat (role-reversal: you help me?)

enveratise wrote:
Hm. I thought firestorm was in a bit of a disadvantage when it specs into inc aoe? if this isn't the case anymore, well, I guess I'm going to plan something around it then.

It does lose a small bit of dps because both general area of effect and fireball radius grow but enemy size stays the same, you can check the calculator on wiki to get the general idea. AoE nodes are usually taken to offset conc.

enveratise wrote:
Oh, and about Emberwake: The Taming? will it work? Came from reddit.

hm. I wonder if Firestorm Multitrap can overlap. it can go hand in hand with Firestorm Totem for maximum effect.

Good question about the Taming, I'd say it works. Multiple firestorms do overlap.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

I've been using Daresso's long enough now that I recoloured it to RRB, Vaal Lightning Trap is back on Increased Duration. Should've done that sooner really.

Thanks for all the comments, people :D

zSavage wrote:
Anyways I would consider the duration nodes if you don't already have them. EDIT: You have them, good :)
It's pretty amazing. Just the one cluster brings Firestorm up to 2.9s, AB up to 1.5s, Rallying + Inc Duration up to 16.5s, VLT+ID to 8.28s... That one cluster is pulling a lot of weight! If I were to remake this character, the second Duration cluster would be getting a re-evaluation.

pneuma wrote:
I'd keep Conc on FS and use it for single-target murder.
Could try out AoF, and a 4L: AB + CtF + Hypo + GMP. That gives you area clear, keeps the chilled ground and gets the Hypo bonus while still dealing pure fire damage.
enveratise wrote:
I'd probably just get a dedicated 3L or 4L for single target. I guess incinerate can fill this? I've never seen anyone do that before though.
But Firestorm multi-tasks so effectively :) I like the idea of having a character that uses Arctic Breath because I also like Fireball and Chilled Ground is way too strong, but it's redundant to do that with my Firestormer.
Murder on the Arenafloor. It's running with Conc to show how a normal person would play - does it really seem sensible to use a second Skill with that? ;)

pneuma wrote:
Also get a beefy shield already and reduce your 1 deaths to 0 deaths. :P
It and it alone is the reason for that Relentless Fury and Peregrine, obviously ;)
(I should start using a good shield soon..)

pneuma wrote:
That leaves one socket open. Maybe 3L that CwDT+Enfeeble with a Fire Golem? Seems like an easy 20% increased damage pickup and a little bit of extra distraction.
Suppose it wouldn't be bad to have a Golem stomping about. If I end up running my second Curse through CwDT, I'll keep the Golem in mind too :)

pneuma wrote:
Actually a second Spell Echo is stronger than Hypothermia and will be more mana efficient. GGG *shakes fist*
It's the Multistrike equivalent, either you use it because it's the best or you lose efficiency. It's a sad state of affairs but that's the place we're at now.

enveratise wrote:
You have no problems sustaining mana?
Firestorm is pretty cheap, and Rallying Cry is really powerful (anywhere between 5% and 15% More Damage plus free Clarity).
That also means Abyssal Cry is a no-go :P It'd be really awesome to essentially freeze enemies soon as the Chilled Ground hits the floor, but I'd have to drop either AA or Purity of Fire for Clarity, or, something. Something such as...

vvooee wrote:
Im running firestorm first time also this time around and yesterday just finished my first 77 maps with it. It works smoothly but i have used like 100 regrets on it so far to test it with crit (didnt affect clearspeed at all) and also with increased area of effect (slowed me down). Im using the new curse helmet for dmg boost and 3 defensive curses.

Good to see other people with Firestorm, especially with a similar yet remarkably different setup. Ever since 2.0 I've liked the idea of running EB+MoM+ZO. I suppose this character'd be a good candidate for that! Duly noted. Doesn't take a lot of points either, mostly some re-gearing (which needs to happen anyways, because it's ~all shit).

So yeah. That might be cool to do, EB+MoM+ZO and Abyssal.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Jul 28, 2015, 7:48:01 AM
*raises hands*
Why do you have the dynamo triple, instead of the Righteous decree near templar?:D
The difference is minimal (3% Inc Mana), and I didn't take Sanctity until waaay down the line, so RD would have cost me one more point up until that moment! :P Just a fraction of optimisation that I haven't bothered with, is all - and odds are I'd be better off with the Life/Mana Regen nodes on the other side anyways, haha.

Not too much to say after today. Ran some maps, didn't accomplish much. I do now own Rise of the Phoenix, I guess? Allows me to run Reflect maps.

Firestorm dinged 19.
Been using Conc more often as I've been running more 72+ maps. Especially when facing an EE or Fire Res map mod, the Damage boost is unsurpassed. A marginally wider pool of maps also allows me to be more picky (run a Bog -> get a Bog! Screw you RNG); on narrower maps there's far less room for stragglers, making that a non-issue. Good stuff.
Rejigged sockets to get a second CwDT, linked Enfeeble. Already forgot to put a Golem in too; put a sticky note on my desk.
I don't know the amount of currency you have at your disposal but I'd go for an ele weak on hit/cast speed/+1 gems vaaled asenath touch, dropping hardcasting greatly increases clear speed.
Im also a lvl 80 firestorm user, skill-tree looks pretty similar, just using crit and opting to go for Acrobatics instead.

A big upgrade for me personally was Three Dragons, combined with HoL and Curse on Hit Elemental Weakness.

Links in my Tabula: Firestorm (doh), Spell Echo, Fire Pen, PCoC, Inc Crit Strikes, Inc Aoe.

Its pretty okay-ish, clearspeed could be better (the delay between the cast and the actual rain <.<). Lacking defenses, but thats why im going for Acrobatics.

My tree:

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