Stories - give us ya best, most unbelievable story

I will write one later but

Interested in hearing stories from people, unbelievable stuff that has happened be it, in game or in real life.

From the land of new zeal. Just here to stalk the forums.
I used to go to party's in abandoned zoo's/cathedrals/castle's and under high-way bridges!(that where still in use)

Fact or fiction?! you be the judge!


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
This might be fiction. Or not. You decide.

So I'm staying at a homeless shelter and feeling rather manic. Almost like suicidal, but not quite; more like just not caring about whether I live or not. And thus prone to risky behavior. Also bored.

Then Isaac (not his real name), a fellow bum, comes up to me at breakfast. I don't like him, but Isaac's had a bad time recently, for which I am partially responsible - but that's a tale for another time. In any case, this full-grown man asks me, another full-grown man, if I wanted to go with him to his grandmother's house.

At this point I enter Sherlock Holmes mode. There are these things called phones, so if he wanted to talk to her, he could just use one. And if he was on good terms with a nearby family member, he wouldn't be staying at a homeless shelter. I thus conclude decisively that he has no intention of visiting his grandmother.

I say "sure." And off we go.

After a bus ride and a walk we eventually arrive at a residence. Inside is a single sofa in front of a TV set and a PlayStation. No other furniture or decoration. On the couch is the African-American equivalent of Marv from Sim City. If you don't get the allusion, just imagine the Marauder and you'll be close enough.

No introductions are made. A series of practiced, wordless body language directs me to sit on the couch, easily within Marv's reach. Isaac proceeds to a hallway, then up some unseen stairs.

Upstairs is a far more talkative fellow. Through the floor I can't make out words, only tone. Isaac is acting a fool, and his conversation partner doesn't appreciate the disrespect. The volume increases as the "Boondocks moment" escalates.

Then an angry scream of a racial slur I can't use here. Then two gunshots. Then Marv pauses his game and faces me, still sitting as I am. He's already between me and the door.

Suddenly, I do not feel as reckless about my life as I did before. I hear footsteps on the stairs, like a countdown to my doom. I want to live, but how? Step. I need to think of something. Step. If only they knew how I don't even like Isaac. Step. It's not like he's my bro or anything. Step. How can I convince them? Step.

I know I'm out of time. Now, or never.

I say, in the most natural tone my bad acting can manage, "hey, you guys got any Doritos?"

There is a silence for a good four seconds. A very long four seconds.

And then the gunman turns and heads to another room. Comes back with a big bag of Cool Ranch. So yes. Yes they do.

So Marv unpauses and goes back to his Gran Tourismo. I sit there, slowly munching away on the Doritos, trying to keep it together. After maybe an hour, and almost the entire bag, I figure more waiting won't help. I thank them for the grub and walk towards the door.

I fully expect to get shot in the back. I don't. I finally find myself outside the house. And I take the bus back to the homeless shelter.

And that, folks, is why I can't stomach Cool Ranch Doritos.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Jun 29, 2015, 10:57:26 PM
Wow, holy crap, thats, I hope thats real cause that was a roller coaster from start to finish.
From the land of new zeal. Just here to stalk the forums.
Taken from my wild years when I hitch-hiked a lot. Might be long.


Standing on the side of the road as usual, sticking my hand out and waiting for some good soul to stop. Most of the time, people in "rich" cars don't even notice you, they just speed by as if my presence on the road was somehow tainting them. Not this time. I can not say what car was it, don't remember now, but it was looked expensive and old. So it stops, guy opens the window and asks me where I want to go. After exchanging few words with him I got in. I noticed another guy, same age as the driver (50-60) on passenger side seat. So we talk a bit (in Polish hey ho) and then all of the sudden they switch to Russian. Lucky? for me I understand Russian a bit so I said something in Russian too. They stopped talking immediately. The passenger seat guy instantly looked at me with sort of surprise/annoyance? in his eyes. They didn't answer me, they didn't talk and that guy was still staring at me. I felt horribly uncomfortable, the feeling of "oh fuck what did I get myself into" slowly poured into me. After few mins (seemed like ages to me) the passenger guy slowly turned away and put a small briefcase on his lap. Of fuck what is going on...And then they started talking in German. I didn't understand it at all this time but picture this please. They speak German in this low whispering voice, almost as if were planning something evil and despite me not understanding a word they wanted to keep it low. Don't get me wrong but every word in German sounded to me like a saw cutting of my limbs (if that makes any sense). Now my mental pants were full. So I slowly started to "casually" look around and what did I noticed? The doors were locked. Holy fuck. And then they stopped the car. Driver got out for a smoke and passenger guy just sat there with his hands on briefcase. It looked like they were thinking about something and couldn't decide. The driver got in and asked me if I am ok, like fuck I was but of course managed to squeeze out "yeah". They were silent for the rest of the trip. They stopped at the first occasion in my town and told me to disappear (yes, he used exactly that word). I think I never got out of the car so quickly. To this day, whenever I remember this I shiver a bit. I think I was incredibly lucky on that day, could have ended up much worse.

I see ghosts
Ugh effort

one time when I was in High school debate I lost the round that would have gotten me into the quarterfinals because "you can not be racist against whites".

Topic for that year
Resolution: The United States federal government should substantially increase social services for persons living in poverty in the United States.

The whole debate was basically about how blacks are disciminated against in america and whites are privileged, so there is no way we could determine what would be good for impoverished people as most are black. We then proceeded to counter with how thats the very discrmination they are trying to prevent, and I was raised underneath the poverty line 10 years and as such using that to try and take credibility away is not only a fallacy but also disingenous and limiting the voice of impoverished white people. We provided evidence, showed that statistics arent influenced by racial prejudice, showed that there are just as many whites impoverished as blacks, and showed that they are doing exactly what they were trying to prevent. They were barely able to refute this, and provided no evidence to back up thier claims, so by all means we should have won. Then the judge says they voted in Negation (we were affirmation they were negation) as you can not be racist against whites and as such our argument was invalid. Literally the words that came out of her mouth. Unfortunately we arent allowed to stand up to judges as their say is final. If we won that one we would have gotten into Quarterfinals for that tourney. I'm still super fucking salty but fortunately it wasnt an important tourney and me and my partner still ended up 6th in state.

I dont really have any crazy stories though.
Last edited by Thisisnotmyrealaccount on Jun 30, 2015, 4:47:40 PM

one time when I was in High school debate I lost the round that would have gotten me into the quarterfinals because "you can not be racist against whites".

Topic for that year
Resolution: The United States federal government should substantially increase social services for persons living in poverty in the United States.

The whole debate was basically about how blacks are disciminated against in america and whites are privileged, so there is no way we could determine what would be good for impoverished people as most are black. We then proceeded to counter with how thats the very discrmination they are trying to prevent, and I was raised underneath the poverty line 10 years and as such using that to try and take credibility away is not only a fallacy but also disingenous and limiting the voice of impoverished white people. We provided evidence, showed that statistics arent influenced by racial prejudice, showed that there are just as many whites impoverished as blacks, and showed that they are doing exactly what they were trying to prevent. They were barely able to refute this, and provided no evidence to back up thier claims, so by all means we should have won. Then the judge says they voted in Negation (we were affirmation they were negation) as you can not be racist against whites and as such our argument was invalid. Literally the words that came out of her mouth. Unfortunately we arent allowed to stand up to judges as their say is final. If we won that one we would have gotten into Quarterfinals for that tourney. I'm still super fucking salty but fortunately it wasnt an important tourney and me and my partner still ended up 6th in state.

I dont really have any crazy stories though.

Wow, amazing story.

It does validate alot of things too. Can't believe she just straight up said that you can't be racist against whites? Wtf is that even.
From the land of new zeal. Just here to stalk the forums.
Tumblr + white guilt + SJW. It had already been encroaching into the debate sphere turning everything into a debate about race and equality when it was supposed to be a debate about policies, checks and balaces, and shit like that. It's why I have refused to go back to judge debate at this point.

Other fun thing about the debate sphere was that the Highschool debate coaches for 3/4 of the Omaha schools were living vicariously through their students writing their cases and blocks for them instead of having the students do it for themselves like Me and my partner did. No wonder there were normally "the best". not to say they werent good at debating, they were very good, they just had 10 years of experience writing for them as well.

The NE debate scene was pretty fucked tbh. Loved the activity, hated the people.

E: changed white guild to white guilt (loltyposusofunny).
Last edited by Thisisnotmyrealaccount on Jun 30, 2015, 5:29:59 PM
This one time, I poked something with a stick.
Halloween just isn't complete without pumpkin spiced pumpkin.

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