Community News: Updates to the Forum Guidelines

Hey guys!

It's now been 7 weeks since we released the new Forum Guidelines. Things seem to be settling down now so we thought this would be a good time to review how everything has been going.

We've noticed a positive shift in the forum atmosphere and are seeing a lot of good discussions happening. We're mostly happy with where things have settled but still feel that some further changes could make things even better.

In light of this, I've made the following updates to the forum guidelines:

  • Changed 'Other Guidelines' to 'Forum Etiquette' section.
  • Added 'Posting Private Information' guideline.
  • Added 'Negatively Affecting the Community' clause.
  • Added 'Thread Necro' guideline (Originally covered under 'Misleading Comments').
  • Changed 'Misleading Comments' to 'Manipulation of Quotes'
  • Changed 'Promotion without Authorisation' to 'Advertising without Authorisation' and re-worded definition.
  • Reworded the Non Constructive Posting Guideline to be clearer and more flexible.
  • Reworded the definition of Spam.

These aren't drastic changes, but should hopefully make the intentions behind the guidelines clearer. I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to talk with the team and I about your experiences with the Forum Guidelines. These discussions have been immensely helpful in making sure that the guidelines settle in a place that is healthy for the community as a whole.

I hope that we can continue these discussions as we go! As always, please feel free to contact me any time if you have any concerns or feedback about moderation. I'm always happy to hear from you.
Last edited by Bex_GGG on Sep 1, 2015, 7:37:28 PM
Boem wrote:
R.I.P. quotes thread in OT!

:p Is this still allowed in OT for giggles?

Assuming not.



Only the title of that guideline has changed. The guideline itself has been in since the guidelines first changed.

We could probably make an exception to that thread along the lines of, it's okay to make those quotes for the people who agree to participate in the thread. Otherwise, putting words in the mouths of people who aren't interested in being part of it is not super cool.

What do you think? :)
Boem wrote:
To be fair i have not frequently read the guide-lines, i like to think it's not required with a minimum of respect for other people and there opinion/feelings.

I like to think people in OT can handle a bit of jest :'), so yeah, sounds fair.

It's funny though, consistency and all that, maybe OT should have a totally different guide-lines set!

In a sense it's not actually part of the path of exile forums in spirit.




Cool, well! We can totally look at reasonable exceptions in some cases. If people agree they want to participate in a game like that I can't see any harm in it.
Shagsbeard wrote:
I think that the meme "There, I fixed it for you" indicates that a quote has been changed to make a point. This type of comment is parody, and should be protected. When the change to a quote is obvious, highlighted, and indicated by the poster, they shouldn't get a probation.

We can probably make an exception for cases where it's obvious that it's been altered, light-hearted and not likely to offend the quoted player. The kind of situations it's aimed at is when two people are debating something and one of them changes the quote of the other to manipulate the argument.
Thanks for the kindness, Fade! I'm glad to hear you feel it's going well :)

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