Weapon Elemental Damage 20% Quality

Been playing for a bit now, but there are some questions I have about many facets of this game. Very exciting to learn and learn. Then once you have learned everything, there's even more to learn. It's like being back in school with exploding monsters and reflect deaths. :)

With this skill gem, it obviously increases all your elemental damage by a multiplier, but the quality bonus has me just a tad confused.

Does it increase that amount or just increase the base amount that is on your weapons like 2-7 cold, 5-19 fire. Would that be increased by 10%? Or does it increase auras and heralds as well. If it only does the base elemental damage on weapons, it seems very lackluster unless you have lots of elemental damage on your passive tree
You should really try to understand the general principles involved, rather than look for a specific answer here. I'll give it a go.

Damage is created in packets. Packets of damages have tags assigned to them. One of those tags is "weapon" and others are "cold" "fire" and "electrical". Any damage packet with any of the later three is "elemental".

Your "elemental damage" booster applies to any damage packet that contains both "weapon" and any of the three elemental tags.

Your aura and heralds can do one of two things. They can modify a packet to give it a new tag or they can create a new packet of damage. These two are really different. Adding a new tag comes from "converted to" effects. Creating a new packet comes from "adds cold damage"

There really should be a place to send you to learn about this, but I don't have a reference for you.
You can find some crude explanations of how things related to damage work in some of my explanations here:


In short words:

Weapon Elemental damage increases weapon local elemental damage, ring elemental damage and aura/buff elemental damage which applies to attacks.

Things to know is that weapon elemental damage doesn't apply to spell elemental damage, or some secondary effects like righteous fire degen, etc.
[2.2] The Vampire - Tanky 2H Axe Slayer Duelist - /view-thread/1611662
Last edited by Mannoth on Jun 23, 2015, 9:37:29 AM
So lets look at Static Strike

level 17
64% Increased Physical Damage
60% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Deals 110% of Base Damage
Explosion deals 30% less damage

then tack on Weapon Elemental Damage w/ 20% quality
Weapon has 100 physical damage per hit
Weapon also has 100 fire damage per hit

Weapon elemental damage support adds a ton of damage to my static DPS. But I don't have the quality bonus. The quality bonus would only affect the 100 fire correct?
Last edited by sneakyJ on Jun 23, 2015, 9:46:10 AM
It would also bump up the Converted Lightning Damage, as well as any Elemental Damage on gear and from Buffs you might have.

The Quality bonus is the same as the normal modifier, except it is additive with other sources of Increased/Reduced Weapon Elemental Damage, rather than multiplicative.
My brain is completely wrecked

So if a modifier is multiplicative, its applied more than once in some way? Or does that mean its applied after other increases?

1000 base damage
100 fire damage (weapon)
100% melee physical
100% increased physical
200% increased elemental
100% increased fire
Adds 100 fire (gem)
Converts 50% of Physical to fire

Converts = 500 Phys + 500 Fire
Adds 100 fire from weapon
Adds 100 fire from gem

500 Phys + 700 Fire

Physical = 500 base + 500 (melee physical) + 500 (increased physical) = 1500 physical
Fire = 500 Fire (conversion) + 100 fire from gem + 100 fire from weapon = 700 fire

Fire = 700 fire + 1400 fire (increased elemental) + 700 fire (increased fire) = 2800 fire


does it convert fire damage from physical after melee physical and increased physical

Fire = 750 (conversion after physical mods) + 200 fire (gem + weapon) + 1900 (increased elemental) + 950 (increased fire)

How does increased damage apply? To both types of damage?

1. Increased and Reduced-type modifiers are all additive; they are summed up into one single multiplier. More and Less-type modifiers are multiplicative. They each apply individually as an entirely separate multiplier.

2. Modifiers apply after Conversion.
Converted Damage benefits from the source-type's modifiers.
Modifiers can never apply to the same value twice.

In your example, the flat 100 Fire Damage from your weapon and Gem (er.. what gem? :P ) will benefit from 200% Increased Ele and 100% Increased Fire Damage modifiers. These are both Increased-type, so they are added together into one 300% Increased Damage modifier.

The Fire Damage resulting from 50% Phys to Fire Conversion will benefit from the same multipliers, plus 100% Melee Phys (Inc or More?) and 100% Increased Physical Damage.

500 base Physical Damage
500 base Fire Damage (from Phys)
200 base Fire Damage

Let's make Melee Phys a More-type multiplier, because that's what the Melee Phys Supports are as well.

500 Phys benefits from 100% More Melee Phys, 100% Increased Phys:
500 * (1 + (100/100)) * 2 = 500 * 2 * 2 = 2000 Physical Damage

500 Fire (from Phys) benefits from 100% Increased Melee Phys, 100% Increased Phys, 200% Increased Ele, 100% Increased Fire:
500 * (1 + (100/100) + (200/100) + (100/100)) * 2 = 500 * 5 * 2 = 5000 Fire Damage

200 Fire benefits from 200% Increased Ele, 100% Increased Fire:
200 * 4 = 800 Fire Damage

Final Damage output:
2000 Physical Damage
5000 + 800 = 5800 Fire Damage

If that 100% More Melee Phys was instead Increased-type, you'd be dealing 1500 + 3800 Damage instead. That single modifier being multiplicative instead of additive makes a massive difference when a bunch of Increased Damage is already in play.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Jun 23, 2015, 2:27:23 PM
Vipermagi wrote:
e from your weapon and Gem (er.. what gem? :P ) will benefit from 200% Increased Ele and 100% Increased Fire Damage modifiers. These are both Increased-type, so they are added together into one 300% Increased Damage modifier.

The Fire Damage resulting from 50% Phys to Fire Conversion will benefit from the same multipliers, plus 100% Melee Phys (Inc or More?) and 100% Increased Physical Damage.

500 base Physical Damage
500 base Fire Damage (from Phys)
200 base Fire Damage

Let's make Melee Phys a More-type multiplier, because that's what the Melee Phys Supports are as well.

500 Phys benefits from 100% More Melee Phys, 100% Increased Phys:
500 * (1 + (100/100)) * 2 = 500 * 2 * 2 = 2000 Physical Damage

500 Fire (from Phys) benefits from 100% Increased Melee Phys, 100% Increased Phys, 200% Increased Ele, 100% Increased Fire:
500 * (1 + (100/100) + (200/100) + (100/100)) * 2 = 500 * 5 * 2 = 5000 Fire Damage

200 Fire benefits from 200% Increased Ele, 100% Increased Fire:
200 * 4 = 800 Fire Damage

Final Damage output:
2000 Physical Damage
5000 + 800 = 5800 Fire Damage

If that 100% More Melee Phys was instead Increased-type, you'd be dealing 1500 + 3800 Damage instead. That single modifier being multiplicative instead of additive makes a massive difference when a bunch of Increased Damage is already in play.

So "More Damage" increases all the modifiers tied to that damage type where increased phys only affects the base separately, Increased Phys won't adjust increased melee phys. It just adjusts the base phys damage. Basically Increased modifies the base damage while More modifiers the total damage after increased does its work therefore it increases the base damage AND the increased damage.

Also, in the both equations there is a *2 at the end. Im guessing that is the more melee phys modifier. But would it apply the full 100% increase with the 50% fire converted since its melee. The fire is getting the full elemental and fire benefits but only 50% of the benefit from increased melee phys and increased phys.

sneakyJ wrote:
Also, in the both equations there is a *2 at the end. Im guessing that is the more melee phys modifier. But would it apply the full 100% increase with the 50% fire converted since its melee. The fire is getting the full elemental and fire benefits but only 50% of the benefit from increased melee phys and increased phys.

Yep, that *2 multiplier is the More Phys at work.

Conversion does not scale modifiers, otherwise Converting below 100% of your Damage actually reduces Damage output:
100 + 100% Increased = 200 Damage total
100 + 50% Conversion ->
50 + 100% Increased = 100 Damage
50 + (100/2)% Increased = 75 Damage ->
175 Damage total
Last edited by Vipermagi on Jun 24, 2015, 8:53:31 AM
How about increased critical chance on a weapon

Say a Windripper with 100% is at 10.00 crit chance. Does increased crit from passives and gems apply to the 10.00 or to the base chance on the bow before the bow's own modifier

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