Help to my totem defensive build.

Hi everyone,

I do like to ask your help to choose a totem to use. No matter what totem have more dps, I want to knockback the mob the more faster and far I can. So there are few option in my head.
(3 Link only, I will put in my scepter. I don't have increased aoe passives too.)
I don't care to damage, I want surviveness.

1) glacial cascade + spell totem + knockback

2) flame totem + knockback + faster projectiles

3) shockwave totem + increased aoe + blind

4) ice nova + spell totem + knockback

5) What else? Give me your suggestion.

Thanks in advance for who help me. I just want to be super defensive when the patch comes. Thanks again,
Of your options, SWT is the natural choice since it has 100% knockback built-in.


My personal favorite is {Split + Ranged Attack Totem + Pierce + FA}.

Take the knockback cluster and AB from the left side of the tree, then run through the life wheel down to the dex side of the tree for frenzy charges and attack speed.

Projectile Weakness will get you up to 100% Pierce and will add a massive amount of damage and knockback (which, alongside the knockback cluster means you don't need the support gem).

The totems literally pin enemies to the wall and the aftermath looks like this:

Enjoy. :)
if you are after safety but use totems just because these seem to be the only option i have another idea:

these two (adjust level of Conversion Trap and/or use Increased Duration based on your experience) can turn almost ANY battle

9 dangerous mobs? one 'throw' and 3 of these are yours and there are only 6 enemies. they quickly kill/wound themselves and you just need to clear leftovers

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