My dirty little secret

I did something bad :( I cant share it but you can guess it forgive my sins my lord and savior :( .
bye PoE $$$$$$$ thanks for everything $$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Your band sold out and are now filming a slick choreographed film clip. Gratz you made society proud.
I absolutely don´t know what you mean.

Isn´t ₸rading a integral part of PoE by design ?
Can hardly be called a $in.

Just my two ₰
Last edited by Lachdanan on May 22, 2015, 12:32:06 PM
FadeXF wrote:
I wonder if this is your dirty little secret - you are a superhero IRL:


PS - don't do bad things ok kids?

why did I clik...whyyyyyyyy
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌 def cant unsee it lol
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
Judging by the fact that you posted dollar signs and talking about leaving PoE, I assume you RMT'd things on your account.
My interest level did not budge.
wow inside_daddy where is your gear man you put it in your stash??? tel me how why you are put no gear on lv 90pluse++ chars???

IGN: Inshiterate
So this is art? Awful lousy way to make coin

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