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Good afternoon.

I have purchased additional tabs to the chest, including named.
Now half of them labeled (delete-only) and various characters see different things in them.

How can I fix this?
If you have remove only tabs (which you obviously do), when you buy stash tabs, any remove only tabs get upgraded to full use before additional tabs are added. You got the tabs you paid for. They are formerly remove only tabs that have been upgraded.

All your characters should see the same things in the tabs. I've never heard of anyone else saying their characters see different items.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class
You mean remove only.

The tabs from the temp leagues are ported to the parent league once the temp one ends as remove only tabs, those will remain as remove only tabs until you buy tabs(which converts them to normal tabs) or you empty them, in which case they'll be deleted once you log out
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Last edited by lagwin1980 on Apr 26, 2015, 1:44:31 PM
I have not played for 2 years or so time. And the last time I played, tabs was all right.

About items : you're right, the characters are in different leagues, everything is clear now.

About tabs : How do I return my named tabs?
What do you mean "return your named tabs"?

The last time yu played, you were in a temp league. When that league ended, all the tabs you had became remove only in your standard stash. This is how they allow you to keep the items you had in each league. You can't put stuff in those tabs. When you take the last item out, the remove only tabs disappear. If you buy tabs when you have remove only tabs, the remove only tabs get upgraded to full use.

So, you have all the tabs you paid for, plus some extra tabs with items from past leagues or races that are remove only.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class

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