New Player - Templar(1H Molten Strike). Need some advice.

Hello all,

I am new to the game (playing for 3 days).

Currently I am at level 37 with my templar and choosed to go for 1H Molten Strike + Herald of Ash.

My main idea is to be high dps/tank.

I read some guides and builds but still have some questions.

For example:

1. Is there good enough 1h Mace for the late game that will suit this build?
Was wondering if I can dedicate points to the mace:

2.Does amplify passive help me with Molten strike+Herald of Ash.

I am not aware of game mechanics but i can see that Molten strike is (projectile,attack,aoe) and Herald of Ash (aoe).

3.Do I need Resolute Technique?

4.Here is my current passive tree:

Would like some possible routes to go if possible(I have 8 points that i havent used).

And some tips what to focus in the early stage until level 50-60.

Thanks in advance!!!



1. You can use a doryani's catalyst, it has good enough damage for endgame and isn't overly expensive. The actual skill combo isn't exactly stellar as molten will tend to do smaller hits so overkill damage that gets spread with herald won't be that high, however, catalyst has high elemental damage bonus so ignite will still be worthwhile. If you go full crit with a good crit spectre you could have better dps, but good crit scepters are really rare and expensive.

2. Yes, direct hit doesn't do area damage but fireballs do. Also, ignite with herald of ash is inflicted via an area effect so area damage will boost it.

3. If you don't go crit, RT is useful as builds from that part of the tree are typically short on accuracy.

4. I'd hold on planning the passive tree until the patch, templar area gets heavily reworked.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.


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