The Chaos Vanguard community recruiting - All leagues, accepting new players - everyone is welcome!

From The Exile's Dictionary:

Ambush League: [n.] A daughter league, distinguished by the presence of interactive landscape fixtures called strongboxes, which allow player characters to more easily commit suicide.


From The Exile's Dictionary:

Balance: [n.] The hypothetical pinnacle of game design, whereby every build, skill and item are equally bad, but in a different way.

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From The Exile's Dictionary:

Blood Magic: [n.] A support gem that allows player characters with an insufficient mana pool to also have an insufficient life pool.


From The Exile's Dictionary:

Beta Team: [n.] That elite group of players responsible for rubber-stamping the imbalances and bugs previously approved by the Alpha Team.


From The Exile's Dictionary:

Bringer of Rain, The: [n.] The primary choice of helmet by players who consider the ultimate fashion statement to be a gaping head wound.

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From The Exile's Dictionary:

Buff: 1) [v.] To apply a skill to a character, minion, or group in order to increment the player’s false sense of security. 2) [n.] A temporary increase in the utility of a skill, passive or item, intended by the developers to artificially lower the complaint level on Reddit.

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Last edited by Tao_Jones on Mar 13, 2015, 7:36:00 PM
From The Exile's Dictionary:

Build: [n.] A particular combination of skills, passive nodes and gear that allows player characters to fail to advance in a unique way.
From The Exile's Dictionary:

Burned Miscreation: [n.] The typical aesthetic result of purchasing flame-based MTX.
From The Exile's Dictionary:

Cartographer’s Chisel: [n.] Orb used to improve the illusion that a map will drop a desirable item.


Last edited by Tao_Jones on Mar 17, 2015, 6:25:49 PM
From The Exile's Dictionary:

Chilled Ground: [n.] Section of the GGG break-room set aside for relaxed camaraderie.

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