Double (maybe triple) Lightning Warp totems?

Hi everybody, i was thinking about what could be an interesting build to try and this idea came to me, so far I have come up with a skill tree that could look like this (21 points missing if i'm correct) :

The main skill would be
- LW
- spell totems
- lightning pen
- conc. effect
- inc. AoE
- not sure between faster casting and reduced duration

I would apply shock stacks with a separate arc/ or potentially chilling/igniting them with elemental equilibrium?

Basically i'm asking you guys if this could be viable in some way and if so, where could I go from there and what could be improved to what's already on the table.

I have absolutely no experience in theorycrafting builds so please be gentle!
Last edited by veolia88 on Jul 29, 2014, 2:13:56 PM
You have A LOT of damage passives but not very many defensive ones. You took pain attunement so I assume you want to use a Shav's which usually puts more preassure on getting a lot of ES passives.

Since you have Ancestral Bond you would have to use traps to shock stack with arc and/or apply elemental equilibrium with some other skill. The Lightning Warp totems themselves could easily shock stack though, they deal good damage (I made a "2x LW totem + 1 searing bond totem" character some patches back, don't think they've been rebalanced since then). They will end up costing you a lot of mana per cast though so you gotta leave at least 500 mana unreserved.

Here's a more defensive tree for you to consider:
My supporter items: Victario's Charity and The Forsaken
It has been tried before, the verdict was to my knowledge: 'very fun but not very viable', lightning warp is a slow spell which means low dps.

About your secondary skill, there are a couple of things to consider:
- if you use ancestral bond your arc or other spells won't deal any damage which means it won't be able to shock, freeze or ignite and also won't trigger equilibrium
- unless you use a trap, of course, however your totems will hit more often than your spell because traps have cooldown and will trigger equilibrium much faster than you and buff targets against lightning which you don't want

Now, this is how the whole setup might work borderline well:
You use two warp totems and a searing bond totem, warp totems aren't there for dps but to trigger equilibrium and reposition searing bond beams. Searing bond has a problem of DoT being incompatible with penetration support which kinda sucks in a game where a lot of monsters are highly resistant or curse-immune, equilibrium always works and it would help its damage output greatly. I've played it a bit and it's a pretty lazy build, you're free to kite, curse, resummon fallen totems or just play pocket billiards, can be fun to watch but it depends on taste.

It would be nice if warp totems could work but with spell totem doing only 35% of normal spell damage it won't happen in a hurry.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.


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