What Would you do if you are Lead Developer for a Day?

I'd make rare and magic itemization far more fun and interesting. Then I'd make the game far less trade2win.
I would make sure i could stay as a Lead Developer for the next millenium
IGN : Sir_Big
Pay raise for everyone and lots of hugs and then go to the movies with the whole gang and afterwards some club to party.
Make an item that gives you elemental reflect >.>
Get a good head shave next door
What can never be lent or earned?
Somewhat, that devours everyone and everything:
A tree that rush. A bird that sings. It eat bones and smite the hardest stones.
Masticate every sword. Shatters every shrine. It defeat mighty kings and carry mountains on lightly wings.
What am i?
Set up a way to hire Americans as support so they can work remotely. I want a job with GGG after I'm no longer Lead Dev!
I guess design software and tell other people what to do
Prolly back up the source code to a private repository.
No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
Rebalance act 3 mobs.
Former player moderator, valued poster, and early-adopter responsible for The Blood Dance.

GGG has forgotten where they came from. As a result, I no longer support the deceitful, corporate Tencent slave sellouts running this game.
Run a script that fires every dev/GGG employee who defends desync on the forums.
IGN: ScionHasTheNicestAss (SC)

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