Difference between Orb of Alchemy and Chance?

Orb of Alchemy
Upgrades a normal item to a rare item.

Orb of Chance
Upgrades a normal item to a random rarity.


I would be thankful if someone would tell me the exact difference between those 2.
Orb of alchemy upgrades a white item to a rare (yellow) item.
Orb of chance has a chance of upgrading it to a blue (magic), rare (yellow) or an unique item. Ofcourse, the chance is the highest that you roll a blue item. For example, people are chancing sapphire rings in hopes that they produce a dreams fragments unique.
soze wrote:
Orb of alchemy upgrades a white item to a rare (yellow) item.
Orb of chance has a chance of upgrading it to a blue (magic), rare (yellow) or an unique item. Ofcourse, the chance is the highest that you roll a blue item. For example, people are chancing sapphire rings in hopes that they produce a dreams fragments unique.

Thank you for the answer :)

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