FREE FOR ALL's trading valuables UPDATED mainpost! nice jewelery in here. <5 minutes!!!

Im bidding on the goldwyrm unique boots, 1 chaos
Claw/Shield DoubleStrike 60K AOE DPS Duelist ~
Im bidding on the goldwyrm unique boots, 1 chaos
Claw/Shield DoubleStrike 60K AOE DPS Duelist ~
bidding on quality chance to ignite ~ 2 chaos, 2 Chromatics
Claw/Shield DoubleStrike 60K AOE DPS Duelist ~
bidding on quality rejuvination totem

2 Alchemy's
Claw/Shield DoubleStrike 60K AOE DPS Duelist ~
esperz1nski wrote:
Im bidding on the goldwyrm unique boots, 1 chaos

boots sold out at 1gcp, sorry. rest is available though
1 Chaos on Eagle Vise, Stealth Gloves

Hold on to yer shite load o´ bloody barnacles on me arse-cockles, me hearty!

IGN: Trapsdrubel
for belt x10 Chaos and 1 alchy
IGN Archerhc
Marketshop ---->
bidding on rapture finger goliath gauntlets, 2 chaos
Claw/Shield DoubleStrike 60K AOE DPS Duelist ~
Ruby Knot Ring - x4 chaos and 1 fusing
IGN Archerhc
Marketshop ---->
rapture finger 2 chaos 1 alch

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