Multistrike vs Minion Damage

wow standard everywhere. im impressed. and probably all doing standard cookie cutter builds.

u telling me a 107% MORE atk speed increase,
with 1.65 base aps of srs (which is the highest of all minions),
and where more element damage is done with higher aps
is not sufficient to much more than cover the 36% attack reduction?
yes indeed.

not forgetting im dealing primarily element damage and not physical damage, so even if my damage is small per hit it wont be reduced much cos element resist takes a portion
instead of saying doing small many hits physical damage which will be severely negated by armour?

i dont have to make any calculation, i already know this is one of the best gem for srs for aura build at least, and my on-field invasion exprience proves it.

shipped to standard cuz the previous leagues ended....cuz you know, I've been playing more than a week?

and yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you. base aps is irrelevant to multipliers. and repeat 2 times doesn't affect dps at all. sounds like you just don't understand math or this game's mechanics

and if you take your head out of your ass for a second, I was only doing the elemental multiplier in my math post. 20/20 minion damage is 10% more w+a dps than ms, even if you took every min damage node in the tree

I don't even know why you're using mpd over md if you don't care about their physical damage...but then again I'm not really surprised judging by your judgement.........
im not even using mpd, my build is element wtf....

theory does not equate what happens in reality, and your own theory is insufficient and flawed. merely point that out to u and u still insist on your multistrike is shit/use minion dmg crusade.

if you think srs is shit skill in your opinion ok. if you think its weaker than say 6l coc or shave/coe, ok, DUH.

dont come dissing builds for nothing when players are trying to make it work, especially with your multistrike is shit crusade.

"repeat 2 additional times DOESNT AFFECT DPS AT ALL" lol ok. peace to u and your paper dps.
im not even using mpd, my build is element wtf....

theory does not equate what happens in reality, and your own theory is insufficient and flawed. merely point that out to u and u still insist on your multistrike is shit/use minion dmg crusade.

if you think srs is shit skill in your opinion ok. if you think its weaker than say 6l coc or shave/coe, ok, DUH.

dont come dissing builds for nothing when players are trying to make it work, especially with your multistrike is shit crusade.

"repeat 2 additional times DOESNT AFFECT DPS AT ALL" lol ok. peace to u and your paper dps.

really? you think 3 attacks in 3 seconds is more dps than 1 in 1 second?

chock full of credibility you are

never even dissed your build. your epeen was just too butthurt to accept basic facts
Last edited by testinglk on Apr 25, 2014, 2:32:09 AM
Hmmm, and yet I still do not know what to do.

But I saw some useful info here.

Thanks guys.

Multistrike (red socket)
+) 107% more attack speed @ level 20
+) 54% increased melee physical damage @ 20% quality

-) 36% less damage
-) Melee attack repeats 2 times - this is more a visual effect, as it does not add any more damage (more accurately, it's for the server's sake). Though it does have gameplay implications. Minions will not move until they have completed all three attacks, regardless if the target has already died, wasting time. Minions will also spread the attacks around to nearby enemies, which reduces focus-firing. Meaning more enemies left alive at low health, able to continue doing their attacks and special abilities. Blind, Life on Hit, and other on-hit checks benefit from this triple-attack, however.

~~ vs. ~~

Minion Damage (blue socket)
+) 77% increased minion damage @ level 20
+) 14% increased minon damage @ 20% quality

EDIT: Oops, just noticed I put Minion Damage's quality at 14%, not 15%. I don't feel up to rewriting all these calculations, though, so suffice it to say MD does slightly more DeePS than shown here.

~~ w/ ~~

Summon Raging Spirit (blue socket)
+) 293-438 damage (365 average) @ level 20
+) 1.63 attack speed @ level 20

~~ & ~~

Spell Totem (red socket)
-) 50% less damage


CASE 1: Above gems only. No passives, auras, or curses are considered.

179 damage = 365 * 1.54 * 0.64 * 0.5
3.37 attack speed = 1.63 * 2.07

603 DPS = 179 * 3.37
(note: lower physical damage is subjected to higher mitigation from enemy armor)

348 damage = 365 * 1.91 * 0.5
1.63 attack speed = no changes

567 DPS = 348 * 1.63

Multistrike wins by 6% when armor is not factored. Due to the Summon Raging Spirit's fire damage conversion, armor only matters to 50% of the DPS.


CASE 2: Full minion passives and the auras Anger, Wrath, and Haste. Aura passives and curses not considered.

Minion Passives (all 6 clusters)
+) 105% minion damage
+) 20% minion attack speed

Anger (red socket)
+) 94-156 (125 average) fire damage @ level 20

Wrath (blue socket)
+) 18-282 (150 average) lightning damage @ level 20

Haste (green socket)
+) 16% increased attack speed @ level 20


302 base damage = 365 * 2.59 [= 1 + 1.05 + 0.54] * 0.64 * 0.5
82 Anger damage = 125 * 2.05 * 0.64 * 0.5
98 Wrath damage = 150 * 2.05 * 0.64 * 0.5

4.58 attack speed = 1.63 * 1.36 [= 1 + 0.2 + 0.16] * 2.07

1383 base DPS = 302 * 4.58
375 Anger DPS = 82 * 4.58
448 Wrath DPS = 98 * 4.58

2206 total DPS = 1383 + 375 + 448

540 base damage = 365 * 2.96 [= 1 + 1.05 + 0.91] * 0.5
185 Anger damage = 125 * 2.96 [= 1 + 1.05 + 0.91] * 0.5
222 Wrath damage = 150 * 2.96 [= 1 + 1.05 + 0.91] * 0.5

2.21 attack speed = 1.63 * 1.36 [= 1 + 0.2 + 0.16]

1113 base DPS = 504 * 2.21
408 Anger DPS = 185 * 2.21
490 Wrath DPS = 222 * 2.21

2011 total DPS = 1113 + 408 + 490

Multistrike wins by 9% when armor is not factored into base damage.


CASE 3: Hatred!

Hatred (green socket)
+) 36% of physical damage added as cold damage @ level 20


302 base physical damage = 365 * 2.59 [= 1 + 1.05 + 0.54] * 0.64 * 0.5

71 Hatred damage = 302 * 0.36 * 2.05 * 0.64 * 0.5
4.58 attack speed = 1.63 * 1.36 [= 1 + 0.2 + 0.16] * 2.07

325 Hatred DPS = 71 * 4.58

540 base physical damage = 365 * 2.96 [= 1 + 1.05 + 0.91] * 0.5

287 Hatred damage = 540 * 0.36 * 2.96 [= 1 + 1.05 + 0.91] * 0.5
2.21 attack speed = 1.63 * 1.36 [= 1 + 0.2 + 0.16]

634 Hatred DPS = * 2.21

~~ REMATCH! ~~
If we use Hatred for Minion Damage in Case 2, how does it re-compare to Multistrike?

2206 total Multistrike DPS = 1383 + 375 (Anger) + 448 (Wrath)
2237 total Minion Damage DPS = 1113 + 634 (Hatred) + 490 (Wrath)

Minion Damage wins by 1.3% when Hatred is used, closing up the previous gap due to not being double-hit with another LESS DAMAGE modifier. When DPS is the same, consider that bigger, slower hits are more likely to trigger status effects, while smaller, faster hits may never surpass the minimum duration cutoff.



Multistrike would pull a bit further ahead with aura passives boosting the attack speed effect of the Haste aura, due to being a MORE multiplier. All in all, Multistrike really needs a baseline INCREASE attack speed to multiply off of, like from the support gem Faster Attacks, to compensate for the LESS damage. Otherwise, it's not much better than another INCREASE, due to the cons of it spreading out its damage and rooting the minion until the attack cycle completes.

Minion Damage has stronger elemental DPS -- it's actually only losing on physical damage (due to MS's Quality bonus), which will be affected by armor in Minion Damage's favor. If you add in elemental curses and EE, Minion Damage is looking even better.
Last edited by Hercanic on Apr 25, 2014, 2:53:59 PM
Thanks for this post.

Some things become clearer now.
baseline ias is irrelevant to a more multiplier, as, as the name implies, they stack multiplicative

example, 0% ias vs +200% ias. assume 100 damage and 1 aps for easy maths, and 100% more ias. damage multipliers are constant, and are therefore omitted

without ms:
100*1*1 = 100
100*1*3 = 300

with ms:
100*2 = 200
300*2 = 600

change in dps due to adding ms (100% more ias): [editted for clarity]
200/100 = 2
600/300 = 2

it's winning in the second case due to the addition of min damage passives reducing the effectiveness of increased damage, not the ias

it really boils down to how well your setup can make use of srs's base damage vs use of auras. looking at these calculations, base damage is still a huge factor. looking at case 2

302 base damage = 365 * 2.59 [= 1 + 1.05 + 0.54] * 0.64 * 0.5
82 Anger damage = 125 * 2.05 * 0.64 * 0.5
98 Wrath damage = 150 * 2.05 * 0.64 * 0.5

4.58 attack speed = 1.63 * 1.36 [= 1 + 0.2 + 0.16] * 2.07

1383 base DPS = 302 * 4.58
375 Anger DPS = 82 * 4.58
448 Wrath DPS = 98 * 4.58

2206 total DPS = 1383 + 375 + 448

540 base damage = 365 * 2.96 [= 1 + 1.05 + 0.91] * 0.5
185 Anger damage = 125 * 2.96 [= 1 + 1.05 + 0.91] * 0.5
222 Wrath damage = 150 * 2.96 [= 1 + 1.05 + 0.91] * 0.5

2.21 attack speed = 1.63 * 1.36 [= 1 + 0.2 + 0.16]

1113 base DPS = 504 * 2.21
408 Anger DPS = 185 * 2.21
490 Wrath DPS = 222 * 2.21

2011 total DPS = 1113 + 408 + 490

here we see minion damage giving more anger and wrath dps, and losing out on base damage (as my first post said it would). however, a wrath anger build would have much higher base values for wrath anger due to aura nodes, which would tilt the difference even further, even before considering enemy armor

like I said...not a simple comparison with srs. not simple at all =/
Last edited by testinglk on Apr 26, 2014, 3:53:03 PM
Adding in Faster attacks with Wrath + Anger makes Multistrike pull way ahead of minion damage.
Moose65 wrote:
Adding in Faster attacks with Wrath + Anger makes Multistrike pull way ahead of minion damage.'d that rumor even get started anyways
testinglk wrote:
baseline ias is irrelevant to a more multiplier, as, as the name implies, they stack multiplicative

example, 0% ias vs +200% ias. assume 100 damage and 1 aps for easy maths, and 100% more ias. damage multipliers are constant, and are therefore omitted

without ms:
100*1*1 = 100
100*1*3 = 300

with ms:
100*2 = 200
300*2 = 600

change in dps due to 100% more ias:
200/100 = 2
600/300 = 2

it's winning in the second case due to the addition of min damage passives reducing the effectiveness of increased damage, not the ias

Hm? I don't understand why you're comparing them that way. Your third stage just flips what you did in the second stage, so of course they'd come out proportional. When you add Multistrike, it doubles whatever you've got.

Multistrike without IAS deals 200, compared to 600 with IAS. 600/200 = 3 times the damage.

1 = Baseline
2 = MS
3 = IAS
6 = IAS + MS

A MORE multiplier benefits from INCREASE and additional MORE multipliers.


CASE A: Is IAS irrelevant to a MORE multipler?

100 damage
1.0 attack speed

Example M (for Multiply!)
100% MORE attack speed from Multistrike
200% INCREASED attack speed from Example

~~ vs. ~~

Example L (for Lonely!)
300% MORE attack speed from Vaal Multistrike, introduced in Patch 6.6.6
0% INCREASED attack speed because we be poor

~~ vs. ~~

Example I (for Increase!)
0% MORE attack speed, because, f*ck Multistrike!
100% INCREASED attack speed from Vaal Haste aura, introduced in Patch
200% INCREASED attack speed from Being Awesome passive

Example M will beat Example L and I. Example L and I will be the same.


6.0 Example M attack speed = 1 * 2 * 3
4.0 Example L attack speed = 1 * 4
4.0 Example I attack speed = 1 * (1 + 1 + 2)

600 Example M DPS = 100 * 6
400 Example L DPS = 100 * 4
400 Example I DPS = 100 * 4

Example M wins by 50%. If you drop IAS down to 100% instead of 200%, Example M only wins by 33% (4 vs 3). If you raise it by another 100% (300% total), Example M wins by 60% (8 vs 5). Add another 100% (10 vs 6) and Example M wins by 66%. So as IAS increases, the disparity becomes greater, since Example M is doubling whatever we add (+2 vs +1).

IAS is relevant to a MORE multiplier. It is other IAS that are irrelevant to IAS, because they are additive.

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