A few things I would like to see in PoE

Here are a few things that keep me interested in a game.

Some may or may not be implemented.

Obviously loot variety and rarity....
What made D2 so addicting was the small chance of uniques dropping. I think to add to this would be having an even more rare drop than unigues(i.e. Lengendary). Rare mobs would have the highest chance to drop them. This would keep people running through areas rather than just boss runs.

Tiers on loot. An example would be Diablo 2 Median XL mod. Most items had 6 tiers. You could also upgrade using disenchanted material from uniques you didn't need. This is such an awesome feature.

Class charm that can be upgraded by doing challenges as you level up. Again Median XL did this. You would get your class charm and then do certain challenges that would add to that charm. A great idea and keeps the game interesting.

Set items that you can actually complete or are worth farming for the benefits.

HUGE stash to Horde items.

Summoning crystals you find randomly that can be used to summon very tough bosses in certain areas. For example..You are on act 4. You kill a mob and a summoning crystal drops. You identify it and it allows you to summon a a boss at a specific area in act 1. These summon bosses would drop unique loot or items specific to them making these summoning stones sought after. To take it another step, it may have a player requirment and even summon a dungeon you have to fight through to get to the boss. This would add a lot of replayability to the game and again promote farming of general areas for these stones.

Make Melee Viable--- Melee is always a lot harder than playing a caster. I'd like to see a melee character be able to take some good damage. make it worth to play over a caster.

Good companions..In D2 and Median XL..once you got to Hell, companions got very weak. It would be nice to have a reliable companion.

Not exactly sure how well it would work but a mailbox system would be cool to mail items to your friends. Whatever would fit into the lore.

Diablo 2 had random caves but they were never worth going into them. Make these caves, but have a chance at a boss to appear in them or use them for the summoning crystals I mentioned above.

This goes back to loot but for anyone who played EQ2--the chest dropping was awesome. When a chest dropped, you KNEW there was something decent in there. It needs the sound too..something epic sounding. So I kill a random mob...CRASHing down comes a chest. My hands sweat with excitement because I know there is a unique in there.. I open it up...low and behold an unidentified unique. Sounds flaky but it really adds to the excitement.

Exciting end of act boss encounters. More than just hack/slashing a boss down. Not a huge deal but more fun if you need to put thought into it.

Nice crafting system. Median XL has a simple crafting system but it is very enjoyable. this adds lots of replayability as it is fun to craft armor.

Median XL had magic orbs. There were tons of different varieties. You could add up to 15 orbs per item and each orb would add 2 levels to the item. For instance. I could buy 15 1% requirement reduction orbs and place them on a piece of armor making a 15% reduction in requirements at a cost of 30 levels added to the item. You could mix and match too. Along with purchasing the orbs, you would find them off mobs as well and some were unique.

If characters get deleted after 3 months, charge a small microtransaction fee to extend it. Maybe $25 per account or $5 per character. I would definitely pay it to not have them deleted and it gives GGG more funds to work with. Unless the server space outweighs the funds coming in...

Random enhancment pot drops. I.e. 200% exp for 25 seconds. 200% MF for 25 seconds. Add 25% of exp to level on click.

I am going to stop here as this is getting too long as it is :)

Last edited by Shaymon on Sep 22, 2011, 11:29:38 AM

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