Default Sound Device Option

Can we get an option to use the systems default sound device. I regularly change between speakers and a headset by changing the default device in windows. PoE used to catch this change an update accordingly, but with the changes to the audio system in 1.1.0 it do not follow the default system device any more.
IGN: Noshei or Silvannn
Bumping this as I'm having the same need and find it a bit of a hassle to have to reconfigure my game everytime I switch my sound output device.
They recently did an "update" (bwhahahahahahahahaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah) to OpenAL32. This game is so poorly coded/optimized.

Anyways, what you can do, is search these forums for OpenAL32, or do your own search, and use the new OpenAL32 you find. That will give you the non stupid option of "default."

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