Dual Claw, Spectral Throw Scion of Death!?

Ok so I have worked over this for a little bit now and I think I am understanding the tree a lot more now. My goal is to build a dual claw Scion with a heavy back up of Spectral Throw. I am pretty happy with the looks of this build. I'm sure there is some/a lot of optimization that could be done. I was looking at some other builds and at least stat wise I feel I am not too far off while still building the character I want to play. I am very thankful for the advice I have gotten so far. So here is my build. I am gonna make a character with it and test it out. I feel pretty happy with it.

Please if you have any advice or pointers or criticism of this build please let me know. :-)

Any thoughts as to whether the points put into aura support are worth it or not? Not sure if I should stick to my focus of damage/ weapon mods and life. Thanks.
hard to help out more if you dont post what kind of items you are focusing on, and what gem links you want to use. Or bandits.

Also, you should plan for a 100 points build and not 120, you will almost certainly not get 120 points. And when you do get 120, you will probably want to change build :P. 100 passive points is not that hard to get though.
Last edited by Detpurroc on Feb 22, 2014, 9:46:41 PM
I am planning on armor and life as far as gear. Stuff with either life regen and or mana regen. Seeing as ST and my melee claw attacks benefit from both attack speed and damage mods I was looking to put a lot of focus on those. Life and or mana leech on both claws with maybe links for crit? For sure LMP for the ST as well leech and maybe knock back.

I guess part of my question with the build I have so far in the tree, is what items, gems and links would work well for this build. I want to be able to rip it up with claws but have ST as a very strong secondary/ equal option.

What suggestions do you have on what I might trim off my tree to bring it down to 100 points? It seems hard to not get close to 120 while trying to have the +200% to life so many people have/ recommend. Maybe drop the aura support?

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