Mace and Board Marauder Tank Build Theorycrafting

My internet is being a bit buggy at the moment, so since I can't play the game without disconnecting every 5 minutes, I've decided to try my hand at theorycrafting, and work on my first planned character.
This is my first revision of my Marauder Tank:

I am completely new to the game, and I've only played a bow duelist up to 20 picking the most appealing skills as I go.

My plan for this build, is to have movement speed, attack speed, life, life regen, and blocking. The overall goal, is to be a viable level 70ish tank for group play, but ideally soloing shouldn't be too much of a hassle either. I also don't want to be overly gear reliant. I'm really not sure if I'm asking too much for a level 70 character, but please tell me if I am.

I know this game probably draws some of the finest theorycrafters out there, so I'd be eternally grateful if I can get some constructive criticism on this.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated, but I'd prefer "Do x instead of y." as opposed to "Y is stupid, don't pick Y"

Thanks for reading,
Ok. I am no expert for swords. I played a 2h ranger using swords. and that build is 180° the other way from your build. But I have played a fair time shield marauder myself. I play a Iron will mage but I have general idea what I can tank.
1. You will need a lot of elemental resist. Before the last patch gave us -60% at merciless heaving no nodes was doable but now it is starting to get ugly really fast.
2. Pick up heart of the gladiator. It is not that great anymore but it is still good. You might think crit reduction is bad. But I come to think of it as "reduce all the damage that could hurt" (ice crits are terrible, even with 80% ice, and it reduces the shocked snowball, especially act 3 with arc being undodgeable)
3. Have you thought about getting bloodless? these three nodes give you the same as three nodes of 8% hp and you have acess to lifeleech. Additionally nobody is forcing you to take bloodless. I have no idea how good it is at the moment. I just got used to picking it up on the way.
4. Are going a lot of evasion? You got some dex for your swords. Are you sure you want unwavering stance? I play with 14 dex. I take it after resolute technique and only to get my enduring shouts out as late as possible without getting interupted and losing stacks (meaning I loose less by picking it up but still am not rushing it.).
5. In general I am not seing physical damage as dangerous. Shield defense increase block increase and armor increase in general are only picked up by me if they are a shortcut.
6. 0.4% hp regen does not get picked up by me. Your passiv hp regen negates small groups of normal mobs at best. And that only if you have a good reduction against them. Where your regen comes from is life on hit on aoe or life leech on singletarget. two stacks of endurance give the same regen. and they do actually give you 5% physical reduction and elemental. And the physical goes on top of you armor reduction. so having 50% armor reduction +5 endurance will get you to the unkillable with physical region.
7. And I love the strength half of the templar starting area. You were right next to +20 strength +12% one handed damage. And the big armor/energy node is worth taking with one little one in my experience (even without energy shield). Elemental resistance is really rare in the tree these days.

That all said. I have no idea how anything but pure strength plays at 60+ and my knowledge of that is not on the current patch, too. (if you want a lot of armor go iron reflexes btw. my ranger had more armor than my marauder. But she was still squishy like hell. unwavering stance works well with iron reflexes, too.)
I use this build:
you can cut armor mastery or blood drinker based on your items. armor mastery is for move speed and blooddrinker if you want more hp regain. All but one of these nodes are general so you could cut the mace mastery after bloodless and have it completly only bound to one handed weapons (by the templar node but that can swaped to 2h). that sounds nice but actually you can only use maces with nothing but strength and other stats I tried to avoid.^^
and till level 37 it did great. I played one of these to level 68 once. (Be warned you do little damage with physical attacks. But you can get high strength and iron will. Molten shell oneshots most things when you got 500+ strength)

ps: I looked at your stats and noticed the 14 dex. you should pick up water dancing when you are going swords and taking golems blood anyway.
Sorry for the long post. In the unlikely event of a short post. There sure is something I should feel sorry about anyway.
Last edited by Paulinir on Jan 28, 2013, 5:18:32 AM
This is most likely where I'm going to go with mine.
If it's a tank build, you can compare it to the builds on How to Build The "Tankiest" thread. It's primarily focused on any type of build that needs to be tanky.
Check out my How to Build The "Tankiest" Thread on

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